32. "You were my new dream"

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it's been a week or two since kids, anz and me returned from attending lads concert. After sun and me made up that day, we slept for an hour and then anz, kids and I had to return back here- london to prepare for my exams. Mum (Maura) flew in too, and both are flights landed almost at the same time, making it easier for me to ride to my college. Well since I've been having exams, I thought instead of driving this far daily either for tests or library, I'll make use of the dorm. Noah was still not given any off even after my continuous pleading.

I turned off the shower when I realised the water had started to turn cold and my fingerstips started to wrinkle and turn into raisins. I wrapped my towel around me, my wet hair finding their way down my back and I rushed back to my dorm room with my laundry clothes. Me and Noah nodded at each other, thankfully instead of standing, he accepted to sit so earlier when we came, I hauled him a chair outside because he just wouldn't stay inside. I unlocked the door, threw the clothes in the hamper and urgently opened water bottle. you know when you're so thirsty while showering that you see yourself contemplating on drinking the shower water, well I almost did that.

I was one sip in on my water and heard a cough, making me throw my bottle in the direction of the sound, which so happened to the chair, with my favourite person sitting in it and my fresh pair of clothes in his lap. I whined, frustrated, when I saw not even a single droplet land on the person but the whole bottle pouring down on my fresh clothes, which soaked the water. He held the bottle- nearly empty, setting it on the table behind him, doing same with the clothes and walking up to me. Then I finally came back to my senses he is here, infront of me.

"what are you doing here? not that I mind." I locked my hands around his neck, slightly standing on tippy toes and he helped me my holding my waist. He looked me in the eyes, confused as if questioning me or looking for something.

"what?" I questioned.

"seriously?" he looked at me as if I've grown 10 heads in the matter of 2 seconds and then shrugged.

"you know I went home, but you weren't there so I came here." he mumbled in my neck.

"but.. why did you want me there?" I swallowed, I know I was testing my limits and by the hidden meanings behind the questions, if he caught on to them, one day I'd ruin my friendship because of my feelings but atleast I'll not regret not trying. Who am I lying, if somehow, hopefully not we do end on not talking terms I'll still have regret but that time "trying".

"it didn't feel like home without you and most importantly no one was there to jump on me and wrap their legs around me." he picked me up and I gasped wrapping my legs around him. "see this feels much better." he kissed my neck, probably leaving me a mark but that wasn't the reason I had to bite my tongue to keep me from moaning, it was the fact that I was only in my towel which had risen up a bit and my naked centre was so close to his clothed manlihood that once he adjusts me in his grip i'll surely be in contact with it, probably even leaving a wet mark on his dark jeans from my juices which had started to drip seeing the situation and my shameless thoughts. 

"get out. i've to change." I whispered in his ears and saw the goosebumps erupt on his neck, making me smirk. He set me down back on the ground and I walked to the table, which had my clothes feeling his stare on me. I checked the clothes for water but thankfully my tshirt was the only thing which was deeply affected. I held my undergarments and shorts, turning around, leaning my hip on the table and rising my eyebrow at sun, he silently shook his head and walked out, making me chuckle. I wore my clothes and came to realisation that my stess eating habits caught to me, the waistbacnd of my shorts slightly pinching me. I looked around for a clean tshirt in my bag but there was none, except the pair of jeans, a blouse and dress I had for just ... i don't know why I kept a dress but it is there. I found one of sun's tshirt but it didn't smell like him anymore.

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