38. rile her up

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Zayn cleared his throat breaking the staring match of their friends, ex-lovers, Anna and Niall. No one really knew anything but all the did know was that Cherry was all of theirs' glue and as soon as she left, they crumbled apart.

"You knew?" Louis agonized pointing at the girls. 

"You lied." Zayn hissed looking at Selena with narrowed eyes, making her raise her eyebrows at him in challenge.

"oh don't you dare start this shit." Selena clicked her tongue at her teeth.

"and i thought you told me everything." Niall started walking towards Anna. If it wasn't obvious that these adults didn't how to communicate and didn't in the past years earlier, it was surely now. Thankfully the kids were long gone to play with their bodyguards hot on their trail, playing Tag. 

"oh so now what you're sleeping with him? should've known." his anger rocketed to the sky looking at Henry, Anna's bodyguard, pulling her back after Niall's earlier actions. Anna opened her mouth to keep him in line but every motion in the room stopped when Cherry entered the hallway again with kids holding her index fingers in each of their hands, hell if the time could  even that would've stopped, if it was for her. 

She had the powerful, blinding and surely mouth shutting aura radiating through her no matter where and with whom she walked. Yes, the kids added the innocence and joy in the picture but once someone's eyes were to land on her, it would all be gone except the feeling of to be in her mercy and kneeling in front of her on knees.

"you two, talk." Cherry dictated looking at once madly in love couple, and they nodded walking away, Niall following Anna. Surely if you want you can question 'what the hell? How dare did she tell me what to do, who does she think she is' but then again after being in her presence all you'll find yourself doing is nodding your head and not because you're scared of her but because you feel as if not following her or disrespecting her is seriously questioning your morals and upbringing. And before you start no this is no manipulation, just atmost respect people have, for her, towards her. This is the effect she had on people and she absolutely fucking loved it, people scared yet not scared, but knew better than to question her actions. 


With kids with her, she starts heading towards the door without any explanation, but i needed it, they all concern me, they're my family.

"And where do you think you three are going?" and on point all the maids and bodyguards' heads snap towards me as if it was unspoken rule to never question her and i just broke that, but then i felt proud because the looks on their faces confirmed that it indeed was a rule which i broke.

"we're going to school, mumma need to talk our teacher." Ernie spoke.

"I'm coming along." i nodded my head at my own decision, walking over to the couch to collect my phone, just in time to catch bubs response.

"You're not." she yet again headed towards the door. Kids frown looking back at me.

"i'm their dad." i've had enough. I follow them with strides, catching up with her. Sometimes she really gets under my skin albeit she's doing this purposely.

"that's enough." her voice on the verge of shouting but i could see she was trying to control it for the sake of kids. She unclasps her hands from twins and walks towards me, just to walk past me while i follow her. Once at a fair distance from kids, she speaks again.

"you are not their dad." she starts and if we were in a cartoon right now, i could surely see steam coming out of her eyes.

"I am." challenging her was the best thing. I smirk seeing her eyes close and open again, clearly trying to compose herself.

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