Chapter Nineteen

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The Procter Residence



Mrs Procter had an extra gift from her husband waiting for her at home. Miss Smythe had her hands full with the twins, and Howard Procter had decided that his wife deserved the sort of care a gentlewoman of her new social standing deserved, in God's love. Miss Danvers was a young keeper, barely in her mid-twenties, Olivia thought, but she was highly-qualified and came with excellent references, her husband assured her. And Olivia had to admit that Miss Danvers was efficient, thorough and extremely confident in the pursuance of her duties whilst preparing her for her wedding night and then for church the next morning. Howard asked his wife whether she was quite content with her new keeper's staunch ministrations as he walked her home after the service, and Olivia said that she was, although it was his decision and she would never dream of questioning it. Howard approved of that answer and congratulated her on her respectful nature.

" dear...I want you to let Miss Danvers look after you...I consider you to be a great asset for my career and for my family...I have asked her to let you spend as much time with the twins as possible..."

"You know that is my desire too, Sir?" She said, walking perfectly to heel, responding to his gentle pulls on the leash, feeling blessedly subjugated as she thought a good wife should be. She wanted Howard to be the master in his own home. She could never fully explain that to Grace, or even herself, but it felt right and maybe he was correct about her nature. Alistair Forbes had taught her blind obedience. He had never let her defy him, but in all honesty, she had never really wanted to challenge his authority over her in the first place. Howard Procter was not like Alistair, not in any regard, she was sure of that, but he was a man and she had promised, faithfully and before their God, to love, honour and obey him. Her vows meant something to her, in fact they meant almost everything to her. Grace was probably right, she had been brainwashed, but not just by her first husband and the keepers he employed to train her. Her formative years, spent at her Catholic boarding school, had also left their mark. Her faith was strong and her husband was her master. She remembered Ephesians, chapter five so well; In fact, she had heard it in her head every day for thirty odd years.

"I know, my love...but you must also set the best possible example to them and everyone else you meet...and Miss Danvers is instructed to keep you to the highest standards...which we both know you are capable of?" Howard said as the skirts of her dark blue pin-striped gown flapped as his ankles. "My wife must be a paragon of virtue!"

"As you wish, Sir...I am yours to command?" She suggested, blushing a little behind her mantle. He had been a gentle and considerate lover, which had been a really new experience for her after her only other sexual partner, Alistair Forbes. But he was strong and decisive outside of the bedroom, which she found comforting.

"Good...and as we are not having a honeymoon, your new routine starts today...time for another hour of prayers before lunch...our guests will arrive before you finish, I expect...and that will give the right impression...don't you think so, Olivia?"

"Of course, Sir...but I was not aware that we were entertaining?"

" was a last minute arrangement...a little bit of business that would not wait for Monday...but Brett and Grace are well as the Cartwrights, the Holdens and Bateman and his wife..."

Miss Danvers took charge of Olivia in the hall, whilst Miss Smythe took the two children upstairs. Divested of her cape, bonnet and mantle, she was led into the drawing room, still leashed and told to kneel. She obeyed, and assumed the position as the keeper arranged the skirts of her gown neatly around her, resting back on her heels with her head bowed and her mittened hands clasped together in her lap. She was a little surprised to be asked to continue her devotions after a long service in church, but considering the guest list of their impromptu luncheon, she decided that Howard was just showing off a little. And there was no harm in that, she thought, quietly flattered that he loved her enough to show her off.

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