:~Head Cannons while you wait~:

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Ima add Lucy head cannons to because I FEEL LIKE IT, Fight me if you dare about her >:(



-You have never kissed him on the lips before, but you have kissed him on the cheek once or twice.

-When Amanda gets angry...  you and Wooly hide in your secret spot and discuss our life choices.

-If you get sick, (Wooly: Happy Mode off - Wooly: Concerned mode ON) He gets you EVERYTHING LIEK HOLY SHIT, anything you want or need will be there.


-Uh oh, AMANDA NO, NO 

-Wooly is dead meat if he talks to, waves, or even goes near you, Amanda will be there in a snap to make sure he doesn't try anything.

-Sheesh, Yandere much

-If you get sick, well, you know what happened to Wooly so she doesn't know much about medical needs so she asks Lucy for help.


Ik she ain't an actual character but I love her soooooo

-She lets you sit with her while you watch the tapes

-If your apart of the Amanda group, her focus is usually on you instead of Wooly and Amanda


-"Can you make me a sandwich (Y/n)?" "No" ":{"

(Random scenarios)

-"Hey Wooly, whats your favorite food?" "Peach pie" "Cool"

-"LUCY!" "Ah what?" "Got your nose" "HEY LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHI-"

-"Amanda, why do you always where that same shirt" "Why?' "Well, you always where it and I don't know if you wash it" "Ew gross" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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