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3rd person's pov:

"What? that's nonsense.Ain't no way in hell I'm doing that",a guy spoke while talking to someone on his phone: feeling annoyed.

"You have to."


"Look Jimin,why am I even dragged into this?"the raven head questioned.

"Jeongukk,baby.Please,i have to do something else today so can't you just help me a bit?"Jimin replied.

"Why? can't you just set him up with seokjin?"Jeongukk asked while groaning.

"Ugh, your so stubborn , bye!"Jimin cut off.

Jeongukk brought his mobile phone from his ear to the air lingering around his chest while staring at the caller ID.

He groaned in frustration as his eye brows furrowed.He threw his mobile phone on the bed, quite harshly that it was on the verge of falling down by sliding on the pearly white , premium silk sheets.

To say that he was a rich guy ,is an understatement.He was filthy rich.But he never really cared about that.
Women would always be at their knees for him.Even guys.I mean who wouldn't be at their knees for him.
It was the Jeon Jeongukk after all.

His parents own a very huge business.Infact it's so huge that it's even internationally recognized.They need to inherit it to him but they don't want any losses so they are letting him complete his qualification first.Even 7% of a loss to the business is worth millions .They also bought him a separate penthouse so he won't annoy them with his parties or stuff.

But right now,he was getting quite angry mainly because of two major things;he had to catch up with notes from his classes and he only had this evening to do that +the  fact that his best friend gave Jeongukk the responsibility to set his older brother and another guy up was making him frustrated


"UGH!why the fuck am I still studying this??whyyyyyyyy-", Jeongukk complained to perhaps the ghosts in his room.

Currently it was 12:34a.m and here he was, writing notes of the most shitiest things ever because obviously,who wants to fail in their final exams? no-one, right.Finally after an hour of complaining and writing notes + trying to understand them;he finally did it.He, in all honesty, wanted to go and celebrate but he was exhausted as hell.Well my guy did practically wrote stuff for hours by now.

He slammed his books on the table, literally stripped himself on-spot and slept like he was sleepless for days.
Even though he slept in class today.

The Moon was shining brightly as if nothing more luminous existed in the serene night sky.The stars were dazzling in the dark,raven sky looking like shining pearls peeking through the closed clam shell deep down the Oceans.As it was nearly 2 a.m. by now,the populated , civilized and lively city of Seoul was quite isolated with people right now.Only a few cars could be seen driving down the roads and crossroads.The sky-scrapers were standing proudly while some nightingales were flying right past them, a while later an Airplane was also visible flying high up near the moon.It was truly an enchanting and fascinating scenery to look at.Sometimes Jeongukk just stares at it a lot with calm eyes.Nature seems to relax everyone,huh?

He likes how the moon shines in content while it forms a reflection on the rivers with light ripples dancing in the ocean blue water at night.Its just so peaceful,he loves it.He loves the vibe and he wishes to have someone to tell that he used to experience that beauty of nature by his own,alone.

'You,darling'| kv✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang