What the...

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I swear this idea is so commonly used that this has probably been made somewhere else already, but OH WELL! I promise I didn't copy this off of somebody, because I mean come on. This is really typical.

Levi plopped down on his bed still fully clothed with gear on and all. The expedition was so tiring, but he was for once as happy as he could get. He hadn't seen a single soldier die around him, but that didn't mean no one had died. He was still happy though; there was very little casualties.

He was actually about to fall asleep when there was a knock on his door.

"Corporal?" Came the gentle voice of Petra Ral. Levi was a bit annoyed that she knocked on his door just as he was drifting away to sleep. It was her though, and she wasn't as annoying as everybody else.

He said in a tired and sluggish voice, "Come in, Petra." She opened the door and walked in closing the door behind her gently. "What do you want?" He asked, trying to sound as little annoyed as possible.

"The rest of the squad decided that we should do something to celebrate the least amount of casualties ever recorded for an expedition, so they told me to go ask you if you wanted to go out tonight."

"What does 'going out' include?"

"I don't know I think they were just planning to go to some random bar. Something like that."

Levi sighed. He looked down at his pillow, then up at Petra, realized that pillow and Petra both started with P's, got an understanding look on his face, then sighed again. He stared up at Petra. He internally smirked as he got up and moved closer to her. She was right up against his door, never coming closer to him.

Levi already knew that Petra had some sort of feelings for him, whether they were romantic or not. He'd guessed as much from what she said to him outside that one time; a completely different one-shot that the author just made up off the top of her head and decided to include it in the story so that she was forcing herself to write it now.

He was only inches away from Petra's face and he leaned in, but quickly changed directions so that his mouth was right up next to her ear. He said in a quiet and gentle voice, "Tell them that I'll come."

His breath tickled her ear as he spoke and made her face turn as red as a tomato. Having him so close was not doing good things to her health. She nodded slightly and Levi started to back up a little bit. He was still really close to her face though and he noticed that there was now a slight blush in Petra's cheeks. Her lips were pursed together as if holding back a smile or a frown, some sort of emotion either way. He suddenly had the urge to kiss her, but stopped himself seeing how uncomfortable Petra was. Instead, he swiftly kissed her cheek, turned around, and face-planted back onto his bed.

"Thank you," he said through his bed sheets. He, in fact, was blushing slightly as well and didn't want to show Petra his face.

"You're welcome," she said calmly. As she opened the door to leave, she said, "See you tonight."

Levi almost smiled to himself as she left the room and he thought about the evening.


Levi woke up the next morning in a room that wasn't his, in a bed that wasn't his. The lines in the ceiling didn't match his and that's how he knew immediately after he opened his eyes. He noticed he didn't have any clothes on, which was not a good thing considering the circumstances, and that when he moved his arm out, he bumped into another body.

His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the strawberry-blonde hair and the small petite woman sleeping next to him, or as he called her, Petra. His bumping her caused her to wake up and she turned her head towards him. She sleepily opened her eyes and tried to focus on the figure in her bed. Then she realized it was her superior Levi. Her mouth opened in surprise and she sat straight up with a blanket covering her chest, once she realized she didn't have any clothes on. Levi did the same and they both sat up with wide eyes as they thought back to what happened last night.

Petra turned to Levi with an immense  blush on her face. "What are you doing in my bed with no clothes on?!"

"How should I know?! I can't remember anything either! Did we-"

Petra cut him off, "Nope! No we didn't!" She started to shake her head.

"We need to ask someone else then." Levi was about to get up out of the bed when he remembered that he wasn't wearing any clothes and that Petra was right beside him. He looked around for his clothes which were on the floor and he told Petra not to look as he got himself dressed.

He did the same for her as she got dressed and then they both walked out of Petra's room. They saw Gunther and Erd walking down the hall and then they both stopped and stared at Levi and Petra.

Erd asked, "Do you guys remember anything from last night, because you two look the same as you did yesterday."

"Why wouldn't we look the same," Petra asked quickly.

"Well. . ." Gunther began. "Because of what happened last night."

Levi was officially annoyed. "Did we or did we not have sex last night, Gunther?"

They all stared at him for his bluntness.

"Um, I'm pretty sure you did," he said while he scratched his head. "Because of all the sounds and moaning we heard. I mean really you need to quiet down next time!"

Petra and Levi began to blush to the point where both of their faces were almost completely red.

"Good," Levi said, surprising Petra. He just brushed off Gunther's earlier comment.  "That's all I needed to know." He began to walk down the hall with Petra just staring and blushing at him. He said while still walking, "Come on, Petra! We need to go ask Hanji how soon we can check to see if you're pregnant!"

Petra groaned as she followed him. "Well you could've been more secretive about it!"

"Eh, oh well. If I'm having a kid then everybody should know it." He stopped walking, made Petra look at him, kissed her deeply in the hallway, then grabbed her hand and they both practically skipped towards Hanji's office.

Drunk (Levi x Petra One-Shot)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant