Chapter Seventeen

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Candy: - I don't understand what you're talking about. So you didn’t love me before? All those things you did, was it out of pity? You didn't mean any of it.

"You looked at him with hurt in your eyes and confused brows. Maybe you're overreacting a little.... Are you? Just jumping to conclusions to quickly because you're afraid of the truth. Your heart beat quickens hoping that you misunderstood and is extremely wrong."

Roman: - No baby that’s not what I meant. Of course, I love you and I still do. But now I’ve fallen so deep for you. Every part of me craves you, want to be near you, to wake up every morning and see those beautiful eyes of yours. Make love to you under the stars and hear those cute little moans you release. Go on picnic dates, late evenings in the park down by the lake. I want us to happen and have a future together. I want us to grow old to see our children's children. And great, great grands. Candy I love you so much, I'm willing to take you where ever you want to go.

Candy: - But what about the company? You can just abandon it. Your father worked so hard, to bring it to where it is today. If it weren't for him none of this would ever happen.

Roman: - True, but family first. Also I would never abandon the hard work my father entrusted me with. There's employees who can handle it while I'm gone. I know you're not permanently staying here but I'll like for that to change. So what do you say? Stay and move in with me, let's make it official. 

"Your eyes are burning with tears at what he just said, unable to speak feeling waves of emotion passing through you right now. You nod him a “yes”, his eyes beam with delight at your answer. You buried your face into his chest crying your eyes out. He holds you tightly not wanting to let go. The warmth from his body acts like a comforter helping to relax you."

Roman: - Thank you. This means a lot to me, I'll do my best to make you happy. I promise. I promise to make you happy love.

"He kisses your forehead, wipes your tears away. And you continued to dance the rest of the night away. The morning after grad, you got up and saw a note on the nightstand from written in Roman sexy handwriting saying. He is meeting with his dad today so do not worry and he'll be back soon. There's breakfast on the counter."

"So, you got up and prepare for your day, brushing your teeth, combing your hair and taking a cherry blossom bath.While you’re at home doing your do, Roman meets with his father at “Daisy Jewelers."

Roman: - Hey dad, thanks for coming. I wanted to ask you something.

Alan: - No problem son, but you mind telling me what’s all this about.

Roman: - I… um…. It's about Candy. I want to marry her and was hoping that you'd give us your blessings.

Alan: - You do have my blessings son. But that isn’t all that’s bothering you. Isn’t it? Your eyes are telling me a story. One that has been bothering you for quite some time now. And you've reached your capacity.

"He takes a deep shaky breath. Clearly feeling the weight of his thoughts crashing down on him. He draws in another shaky breath and looked his father in the eye."

Roman: - No… it isn’t. I keep having these fears of me failing her since the day we met and I don't know if it's the universe messing with me. And now that I want to marry, more thoughts of not being a good husband if she accepts me keeps flooding my thoughts. The scenario with mom when she left us years ago keeps playing in my mind. What if I slip up dad and mess up everything. And she does the same thing.

Alan: - Son you’re human, you will make mistakes. There’s nothing such as a perfect husband or wife or the perfect marriage. You both will mess up, say things to each other that you don’t mean. Arguments, fights, all that comes in the package. It’s also another way, you will learn about each other. Roman, I’ve seen you over the years grow into an amazing young man, I've heard you talk so many wonderful things about Candy. When I first saw her at the party, I knew she was a good person. The way she looks at you and you to her. I have no doubt about you being an amazing husband. What is your heart telling you?

"He his dad words wash over him and melt into his being."

Roman: - Thanks dad. I really appreciated that.

"His father pulls him in for a hug patting him on the back. After their little chat, they went into the jewelry store. Roman wanted to surprise you with a piece so after buying what he came for, he and his dad grab a coffee and say their goodbyes going their separate ways."

"Back at home you sit in the living room waiting for Roman. He texted you saying that he was on his way home, and had a little surprise for you."

"When he arrives, he kisses you on the cheek and ask if you can meet him in the dinning room in an hour. After giving him your answer, he leaves…. Something was up, he was moving a bit quieter than he normally does, but you tell yourself that you must wait."

"When the time was up, you head to the dining room, excitement coursing through you. When open the door, you clasp your hands over your mouth at the sight that lays before you."

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