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They’ve been here before. That’s the only thought that Will had coursing through him as he sat there, his chair opposite his psychiatrist. Even though the walls that sat around them were different, the atmosphere hadn’t changed. There was the same tension in the air, the same stare being shared between the two. One of the stares cold while the other was warm and embracing, despite the person it belonged to. There was something oddly comforting about the familiarity of the situation, as if the teacup that had once smashed was slowly bringing itself back together, piece by piece.

Will’s stubbornness hadn’t changed either. He stayed silent, waiting for Hannibal to be the first to speak. After everything that’s happened up until this point- after what had just happened, Will wasn’t willing to partake in Hannibal’s games anymore than he was currently being forced to. Hannibal let out a quiet sigh, his expression unshifting as he began to speak; sensing that the situation wouldn't move forward unless he did.
“There’s not a lot I can say or do unless you’re willing to cooperate and talk to me about this, Will. After all, what you witnessed wasn’t something you haven’t witnessed before.” Hannibal’s voice was steady and calm, encouraging even. Which was far from comforting in this scenario.

Will sighs deeply leaning back in the chair. "Yeah, well like you said I've seen much, much worse so I'll be fine." He just looked at Hannibal, face unimpressed at the poor attempt to comfort him. He laughs softly, "this conversation seems oddly familiar doesn't it?" He glanced around the small room they were sitting in, the white walls stained with whatever disgusting material touched them.
Hannibal hummed in thought and slight agreement, after all, this wasn’t the first time he’d seen Will sit in front of him like this. Cold and distant, yet probably feeling a thousand different emotions at once. “You say that as if it’s a bad thing. The fact that we’ve had a conversation like this before simply means that this conversation will be more successful than the last one. Especially now that you’re in the right state of mind for it.” Hannibal observes, “speaking of, where is your mind right now? You're a man of many thoughts after all, Will.”
He hummed interest "what am I thinking?" he looked back at the man sitting in front of him "Well, one thing I'm thinking about is how the hell I ended up on the run for murder with my ex therapist " he said absentmindedly running a hand through his messy hair

“Well, the answer to that is simple. You’re Will Graham. As much as you try to avoid this lifestyle and make seemingly healthier life choices, you’ll end up in the same position. Not intentionally, but subconsciously. As you’ve said many times in the past, with each case, you come back different. Different in those circumstances means like the suspects that you are investigating.” Hannibal replies rather casually, one of his legs resting on top of the other while his hands rest on his lap. “You’re forever changing. Just like water, you’ll flow into whatever shape is necessary; in your case, it’s this.”
Will looked up at the ceiling taking a deep breath "Yes but eventually doesn't that river have to dry up? Lose its waves and be still. You should know that nothing lasts forever. I mean, you have first hand experience in that don't you." Will relaxed slightly inspecting the details of the speckled ceiling  “sterile and still environments aren't new to either of us…though I suppose that isn't always a good thing is it?”

“Eventually, but it doesn’t stay that way forever. Everything has its time and place, sometimes rivers have to become still to adapt to the environment around it. Just like with us now; we have to adapt to our new situation, become still so that the next time we are able to create waves again, they’ll be better than they were before.” Hannibal straightened his back as he shifted in his seat slightly, getting himself more comfortable before continuing to speak. “Whether it’s good or not depends on your perspective. On one hand, sterile and still environments give you new skills and perspectives… like patience or possibly even a new appreciation for the environment around you. On the other, still environments can sometimes represent the calm before a storm. I can’t help but wonder whether that’s what’s happening to us now.”

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