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Will's eyes kept focused on the road. His limbs stiff as he pulled up to the scene, the chattering of police and reporters around him, the smell of blood and decay heavy in the air. He stepped out of the car, the bags under his eyes were dark and his curly hair a mess. Soon John was walking over to meet him. John's steps were quick, his body language equally as stiff but for different reasons although on the surface his face was filled with something along the lines of action and determination. Will could see the smallest glint of disgust in his eyes. However, the glint in his eyes faded as he saw the state Will was in. Concern washed over his face.

“You look like you haven’t slept in days.” John stood in front of Will, his posture straight. Fitting for a figure of authority, however, his body language betrayed the tone of his voice. It was an assertive worry.
“Yeah, well, this work doesn’t exactly make it easy to sleep.” Will commented, unintentionally… or maybe it was intentional. Either way, there was a slight aggression behind his words. He wasn’t sure if that was because of how many times those words have been said to him or if it was genuinely because of the stress and lack of sleep. John was visibly caught off guard by it, a brief moment of silence passing between the two as John formulated his response.
“Well, I doubt this will help you then.” Is all he chose to say, leading Will to the crime scene that sat only a few metres away from them. The smell of decay and blood only thickened with every step. In the end, the scent got so thick that both John and Will could taste it in their mouths, causing a subtle cringe to be shared between the two.
There laid the body. It was currently in the early stages of decomposition; the organs inside the corpse were beginning to decompose, flooding the scene with the smell of decay. Insects had begun to make their home within it, millions of little eggs were scattered across the individual. Just waiting to burst and feed on it, just like its many brothers and sisters were already. The slash on the body was relatively deep, visibly torn open further by the hands. It wasn’t clear whether that was due to the strength of the person or the anger that person held towards the individual yet. Though, in either case, it meant that it was unlikely for the killer to stop. Organs were placed outside of the body too and around it, in what seemed to be a dysfunctional mess.

Will surveyed the grisly scene face contoured into one of disgust due to the putrid smell. He looked around "I need the area cleared" . He spoke in a direct tone. John nodded quickly shouting for them to leave and waving away any police or investigators. Once the area was empty Will closed his eyes as the scene in front of him unfolded, the body that was once lifeless and decaying slowly in front of them gaining more and more life as time passed. Until finally, what was once a corpse laying there was now a talking living being. Once Will’s eyes opened, he stood in a street; one he recognised. Was this the one near his apartment? He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts by a voice, an off-putting friendly one.
“Hi, sorry to disturb you- I’m trying to find my way to the art museum but I keep getting myself lost.” The person in question, the victim, let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as he stood before him.
Will smiled politely with a short nod “of course” he responded in a voice that wasn't quite his own. Will quickly glanced around the street, checking something before pointing the man in a random direction. He wouldn't need to know where it really is anyways. The man turned his back with a quick thank you; that's when he struck he grabbed the man by his shoulders shoving him into the alley with all his force. There was a sickening crack as his head collided with the brick wall, Will slowly walked into the alley and-

“Will? Is everything alright?” A voice suddenly interrupts, a familiar and- friendly wouldn’t be the right word- Inviting one.

Will shook his head collecting his thoughts “I- What?” he managed to say while taking in his sudden surroundings. While once in the street, he was now sitting at a table. In front of him sat carefully placed servings of food, each one having its own unique beauty and individual touch put into it. Even his plate of food had a familiar signature to it, one he could never forget even if he begged God himself to make him.

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