All Of Us

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Alyssa is now part of the family, we have created a nursery for the baby when it will be here. Ethan will share in his responsibility for the baby. We as parents have sat down and talked about what our goals are for these two teenagers. Both will be sharing responsibilities of caring for the baby under our roofs. They will not be getting married we all agreed on that. The medical bills will be split between them both, but since neither have jobs they will be paid by both sets of adults. Their teenage fun is over, no parties unless we allow it. They both are going to study hard to get their high school diplomas. Ethan wants to become a psychiatrist and it will be a long road to becoming one. Alyssa wants to be a doctor. We have the resources and can put Ethan through college. I am not so sure Alyssa's family have the resources to put her through college, she might have to get loans. A rough life ahead of them both.

I am hoping this all goes well, but we won't know until the baby is born. I definitely won't mind a baby in the house. I just hope Havi has Ethan do his fatherly duties when the baby is here. All of us are little excited about new person in the house. Anastasia is thrilled that she will have a nice or nephew. Kate is happy as well. Roger is a bit iffy on the issue. Mr Addison said that it could be a good thing for both families. I just hope it is. Mr Addison has started working for me at my company and he's doing a great job. He wants to get his own place, but Havi thinks he's a good influence over the children and would like him to stay around. I think he wants to be independent and just come and visit Roger and the other children. So we don't insist on him staying and drop the subject. I think he found a lady friend and needs his privacy.

Caseworker George Louis
I reach out to Ray and Havi Steele, Daniel Stevens needs placed in a forever home and I know of only one couple that might take him in and they have made their homes for wheelchairs. He is going to be 11 like their three younger children. They are open to having a handicapped child. Daniel has become too much for his family to handle. They can't afford to keep up on his physical therapist. So they gave him up and now they terminated their rights to him. So I told him that I knew a family who would not give up on him and he could still see his physical therapist. I reminded of the couple who would have fostered him but he refused.

Daniel Stevens
I can't believe my own parents just gave me up. They couldn't afford the physical therapist and other doctors for me. So mr Louis said he could take me to a forever home, one that he tried to place me in years ago. I asked if they really wanted to take me on with all my issues. He said that he made the call and they already are going to get a van especially equipped for wheelchairs. He said that I refused to go home with them years ago and even though I refused they made all their homes into handicap able. They can afford the best in doctors for me. We finally arrive at the Steele home. I meet Havi, Ray, mr Addison, Ethan, Kate, Roger and Anastasia. Suddenly a very pregnant girl comes in and introduces herself as well. I think mr Louis was surprised when she came in and was eating some unknown food. They all welcomed me and showed me my room and the elevators and everything in my bathroom, apparently all the bathrooms are ready for me. I can easily move about the house, ramps outside were just right. They showed me the kitchen and the gym and the devices to help me getting in the pools and out of them. Everything was perfect and everyone was great, except Alyssa who couldn't stop eating. Havi said it's normal for pregnant people to eat at all times. Alyssa said that her cravings just started and are getting worse. Apparently Ethan is the baby's father. She just comes over here so Anastasia can keep an eye on her. This should be fun. The security brings my first therapist in and we need to see what they need in their gym for my therapy. He can order anything they need. They have nearly everything I need.

Mr Addison
They are going to have their hands full with Daniel, I can see it in his eyes. The Steele's are his last chance for a somewhat normal life. He tried to find things wrong with everything but can't. Everyone was dismissed after they were introduced to him. We weren't needed anymore and we had our own things to do.

I heard the sarcasm In Daniel at every step. I just ignored it, but Ray not so much. He hurt Alyssa's feeling about her constantly eating. She just starting craving food and we allow a certain amount of her cravings. They are very odd. Ray won't let him treat others in our home badly no matter what. We knew he was a hostile child and knew why, but we won't allow it to continue.

Mr Louis warned us about his biting sarcasm and we are ready to eliminate it. As our adopted son he will adhere to our rules like everyone in this home does. We will not let him dwell on the fact that his parents couldn't keep him due to his needs and he is now going to be our son because we can get him all the proper treatment and surgeries. We were told he could walk after they operate on him, he just needs to get built back up physically and mentally. He has not been told yet.

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