When It Rains It Pours

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We were able to get Daniel into his surgery earlier than expected. But we got an emergency call from Alyssa and she needed taken to the hospital to have her baby, so we sidetracked to pick her up on the way to the hospital. Ray was out of town and Ethan was taking his finals for his class, that Alyssa was now missing due having a baby. I called the school and let them know and asked about makeup tests and they said this happens and they will reschedule it for a week from now. That was easy. Now I drive up to the ER to deliver Alyssa and Daniel and I go park the van in the handicapped parking. Luckily I found the very last parking spot. I get yelled at by someone who also has a handicap plate and I have to prove to security that I just dropped off my handicapped son at the ER door. It took a while to find Daniel and we finally found him at his doctors office. Alyssa told him to go to his appointment and leave her the hell alone. I told the doctor I had to go hold the mother of my grandchild's hand during her labor and he called to find out exactly where she was. The security guard was appeased and so were the people who called them. I leave Daniel in the doctors office and mr Addison arrives and sits with Daniel. Ethan called him and had him come to be with Daniel. I hug them both and run to Alyssa and her parents are are sitting there waiting for me. She only wants me in the delivery room with her. She has nearly lived with us since we found out she was pregnant. I think she likes the pools. I have never seen a baby born or been in a delivery room. Alexa tried to get me to come and be with their surrogate when the woman gave birth to their triplets, I refused. They had three identical triplets.

James Lancaster
I am not sure how to feel about being a grandfather so young, but here we are. Adoption was not an option according to Alyssa and Ethan. The Steele's gave them other options and I was sitting there waiting on the other shoe to drop. I guess they have the resources to provide for a baby and a lot more. We looked them up and our jaws dropped. Looking at them you wouldn't think they were billionaires and were heirs as well. I know Ethan is originally a Kavanagh and so is Kate, I never knew that Eamon and Enid had children. The Steele's adopted them. All the Steele's children are adopted.  We have been told to stay out of the delivery room and Alyssa wants Havi in there. Suddenly Havi appears and Barbara tells her Alyssa wants her in the delivery room. Havi runs into the room during a loud scream. I know Barbara is disappointed that she doesn't want her in there, but after some of the things we said to Alyssa I don't blame her for wanted Havi in there.

Barbara Lancaster
I watch as Havi enters the room where my daughter is giving birth to my grandchild. The screams of my child come more often and louder, they stop finally and out comes Havi and a nurse both carrying bundles in their hands and we meet our twin grandsons. We get one look at them and they are taken to the nursery to get everything checked and get circumcised. We hear tiny cries as they are headed down the hallway. Alyssa is ready to see us now, before we leave Havi tells us she will make sure we have another bed for the extra baby along with anything he will need delivered and set up. Havi tells us to go be with Alyssa and she will check with us on when everything can be delivered. She goes to her newest child and leaves us as we walk in to see Alyssa.

I go check on Daniel and mr Addison. I am escorted into the exam room and the doctor tells me that they can operate in a week and it is good news. I am glad to hear that Daniel can get out of that chair soon. There are some dangers on doing the surgery and it is explained to us and he wants this so bad. He will be in the hospital and provided physiotherapy and we already have paid off the previous bills and prepaid for the surgery and the hospital stay and part of the therapy. Daniel still has an attitude, but the doctors are used to patients like him and give it back to him. It is amusing to watch. We finally can leave and pay the bills, I pay the whole hospital bill for Alyssa and her twins. Before we leave I run into Grace and she met the new Steele boys in the nursery. She met the Lancaster family and Alyssa when we joined them for a bbq. Alyssa was hitting on both Elliott and Christian, we left and took her with us, Ethan was pretty mad as well. Of course Elliott and Christian were not responding to her advances. We found out later she was trying to make Ethan jealous, it backfired on her.

Havi called and apologized for Alyssa's behavior and told me it was her trying to make Ethan jealous and used Christian and Elliott to do it with. I kind of figured she was doing that. Teens are still getting their bearings. The boys kept their distance from her from then on. She stopped the flirting with them altogether. She avoided them in school after that. She was embarrassed about her behavior. Now she's a mother of two. I did their checkups and they are both very healthy and hungry boys. I think Ethan is a lucky guy, but it is going to be a long road to becoming a psychiatrist and she wants to become a doctor. I hope they make it, knowing the Steele's they will make it.

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