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The moon hung in the sky over the forest, the sky a dark void as stars shined all around. While most pokemon living in the forest were sound asleep, Blaziken ran through trees, not having stopped since she injured Y/n.

Fatigue was finally taking its toll as she lost her footing and hit the ground, rolling through the grass.

She pushed herself up on her claws, spitting out some grass that got into her mouth. She rubbed her beak, it being sore from the fall. She saw a lake nearby, it's water reflecting the light of the moon. She got to her feet and moved the edge of the lake, her mouth was dry from running all day. She kneeled down next to the water and scooped some water into her claws, but she stopped.

She saw her reflection.. and the dried blood that covered her beak. The images of what she did flashed in her mind and she grew angry. She screeched in intense rage, unleashing a Flamethrower into the water. Steam poured into the air, Blaziken taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. She dropped to her knees, her shoulders slumped as she looked solemnly at her reflection in the steamy water.

She couldn't believe she could have been so stupid.. the first human to treat her with kindness and she almost rips his arm off.. and after everything he had done for her..

Blaziken takes some water in her claws and washes off the dried blood from her beak, she could taste the blood as she washed it off...

She misses him...

She wants to go back to him...

But what trainer would ever accept a pokemon back after what she did? He probably hates her.. probably smashed her pokeball, too...

Blaziken hung her head in shame, tears pricked at her eyes.. they rolled down her cheeks and dripped into the water.. she took some of the water in her claws and took several drinks of water, quenching her thirst.

She rose to her feet and slowly walked away from the waters edge, hugging herself as she did. There was a large hollowed out treetrunk that was just big enough for her to fit inside. She crawled up inside the treetrunk, curling up and closing her eyes, trying to dream of something better.


Two months ago...

Blaziken was chained to the wall in a dark, dank room. Iron shackles dug into her wrists, neck, and ankles. Large patches of her fur and feathers were missing, either haven fallen out or were torn out by her abusers. Her master and his goons had just finished using Blaziken for the day, her feathers and fur were sticky and smelled foul.

She was sore in her most private areas, cuts and bruises covered her body. She was shockingly thin, not able to remember when she last ate a meal that wasn't forced down her throat.

A loud explosion caught her attention, she weakly raised her head towards the iron door of her cell. Sounds of battle could be heard from the other side, and they were getting closer.

The door was suddenly blasted off its hinges and her master came flying into the room, hitting the floor with a resounding thud. He was beaten and bloody, on the verge of unconsciousness.

"Good job, Scizor."

She looked to the doorway and saw who she could only assume was the one who beat her master. The trainer walked over to Blaziken and gently rubbed her cheek.

"Dont worry, I'll get you out of here..."


Blaziken opened her eyes, the sun shining in her eyes. She yawned and crawled out of the treetrunk she slept in.

She stretched, her limbs feeling very stiff. Her stomach growled, she growled softly at her lack of food. Maybe she'll get lucky and find a berry bush.

She started to walk, but stopped. She looked back in the direction she ran from the night before... back towards the clearing...

She never should have bit him... he took care of her... he rescued her.. fed her.. healed her.. and what did she do in return?

She didn't deserve him for a trainer.. she didn't deserve him as a friend.. she didn't deserve him..

But she missed him so much..

He cared for her and she repayed him for his kindness with nothing but hate and violence.. she hated herself..

But she loved him...

Blaziken slowly started walking. Walking back towards to old house that they stayed in.. and the field where she hurt him...

A Journey In JohtoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant