Don't Touch That 'dile

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Moving through the forest, Y/n and his newfound traveling companions made for New Bark Town, if not for a glaring problem.

"Are you sure you know where you're going, Ash?" Y/n asked. "This doesn't look like the road to New Bark."

"I know exactly where I am." Ash responded.

"That's reassuring, then I'll just ignore the berry bush we passed for the third time." Y/n said motioning to the plant.

"I knew we were lost!" Misty shouted. "Ash, you've been leading us in circles all day!"

"Then how about you lead us out, Misty!?" Ash shouted back. Misty took a moment to look around but didn't find any way to go. "Well, we're all waiting for your directions, Misty." Ash said rather smugly, getting in Misty's face.

"Give me a second to think!" Misty shouted.

"Then I guess this will be a new experience for you."

"Enough!" Brock shouted, pushing Ash and Misty apart. "Arguing won't do us any good."

"Brock is right. We need to stay calm or we'll be stuck out here." Y/n said. Suddenly, Misty's Togepi jumped from her arms and ran deeper into the woods, followed by Ash and his Pikachu.

Chasing after them, the group came across a small lake with a rock pillar jutting put of the water. On top of the pillar, the group saw a shining blue, four legged, pokemon. Wanting to get a closer look, but as soon as the pokemon noticed them it jumped into the forest and vanished before their eyes. Ash ran forward in a vain hope of catching up to the thing only to fall down a steep incline. The rest of the group chased after Ash, only to share his fate.

After some time, the group trudged out of the forest and onto a large hill with a sign. Beneath them was a large city that promised greatness.

"Guys, this sign says it's New Bark Town, Where the winds of new beginnings blow." Brock read the sign aloud.

"New Bark Town. So this is where our new adventure really begins." Ash said with a fire in his eyes.

"And where the Johto League waits for us." Y/n said. Both he and Ash look at one another, grinning and looking determined. "Ready for a new challenge, Ash?"

"I was born ready, and don't think I'll go easy on ya when we reach the Johto League."

"Well, there are eight badges between here and then, and I look forward to our final battle at the League. Think you can catch up and give me a good fight?"

"I'll do more than catch up, I'll beat you."

"Not even at the first gym and Ash already has a rival." Brock said to Misty.

"Well, I guess we'll see." Y/n said. "But before we can start getting badges and challenging the League, we need to register. Let's head to the Pokemon Center to sign up." The rest of the group agreed and made their way into town. Reaching the Pokemon Center, Brock ran to the front counter hoping to see Nurse Joy, only to find her Chancey. The Chancey pressed a button and a TV screen came down from the ceiling. On the TV, Nurse Joy left a message saying she was at the Elm Laboratory and wouldn't be back until two o'clock, unfortunately it was almost three thirty.

"Guess all we can do is wait." Misty said.

"Are you crazy!?" Brock shouted. "We can't just wait! Nurse Joy could be in terrible danger, we need to find her! Let's go."

"Whatever you say, Brock." Ash said.

Making their way to Professor Elm's lab, the group is shocked to find the police surrounding the building with Officer Jenny and her Growlithe. Brock makes an attempt to ask Jenny out with a bouquet of flowers he pulls from nowhere, but Misty grabs him by the ear and yanks him away.

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