A much needed explanation

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Aizawa woke up already nursing a pounding headache. He wasn't really in the mood to deal with any of the problem children in his class so he just let Almight handle them for the day, from what he was told they were supposed going for combat training with some of the members of the port mafia in one of the training rooms they had.

Since his day was pretty much free he decided to go strolling around the city for a bit. He got changed out of his usual hero costume into more casual clothes and headed out for a bit.

The streets weren't that crowded and since he wasn't wearing his hero costume nobody recognized him which was a relief for him. He strolled through the city looking at random shops and just relaxed a bit.

After a while he came to a stop at a small cafe close to the port area and noticed not many people in it. He entered the cafe the strong smell of coffee beans immediately hitting his senses.

A waiter spotted him and welcomed him in, Aizawa decided to just sit down someplace where there wouldn't be many people, so he just asked for a seat by the corner. As he was lead to his seat the waiter handed him a menu and told him he would come to check on him a bit later.

He settled down and just slouched into the seat looking out the window beside him. The sky was a perfect bright blue and the skyscrapers toward over city. From this distance Aizawa cloud had an amazing view of the the shimmering ocean and a ferris wheel by the docks. 

Few minutes of mindlessly gazing out into the distance the waiter came back to ask for his order Aizawa barely even looked through the menu but just asked for some green tea and light sandwiches.

He honestly didn't really know what to do with himself here since this was supposed to be a sort of training camp for the student's principal Nezu said that the members of the port mafia would be handling the students and that he and Almight were more or less just their chaperones.

The cheery little principle had tried to encourage them to see it as a little vacation for them since they won't be doing any hero work hear either so apparently all they could do was kick back and relax for a while.

"Excuse me" a voice caught him off guard from behind him.

Aizawa immediately tensed and looked out of the corner of his eye, the man then came into full view. It was Ryuurou Hirotsu if he remembered correctly , today he had forgone his expensive suit and was just wearing a more comfortable cream dress shirt and slacks. He still had on his monocle and his gloves.

But what kind of creeped Aizawa out  was the fact that he hadn't even noticed him, ever since he came here he had been on high alert and had always noticed any eyes that were on him. Yet the older man was able to reach him without him noticing.

As if reading his mind Hirotsu chuckled softly and shook his head "My apologies for startling you, I was just hoping to find some company. Do you mind if I'd join you?"

After relaxing his muscles and settled back down he mumbled"go ahead"

The elder man took the seat opposite to him and soon after a waiter came to hand him a menu "There's no need for that, just a black coffee would do" Hirotsu said calmly. As the waiter retreated Aizawa shifted ever so slightly in his seat in discomfort.

"Today the weather is quite lovely, don't you think?"

Aizawa shrugged taking a sip of his steaming cup of tea "its fine"

A couple minutes later the waiter returned with Hirotsu's coffee, after thanking the young waitress he turned back to Aizawa.

"So what brings you to this part of town?" He asked curiously

Aizawa sighed leaning back "Well, the school's principal pretty much forced me into a vacation since he said that you'll be handling their training for their stay here. There's also the fact that I'm not permitted to do any hero work while in Yokohama" he then looked at the older male questioningly "Anyway why are you here? I take it that you aren't patrolling"

Hirotsu sipped his coffee enjoying the bitter taste "I'm not, I guess I can say my situation is similar to yours. My bosses have a forced me to take a day off once every month. They say that my old age might catch up to me" he finished with a light chuckle.

This made Aizawa crack a small smile "Really? I'm not surprised, Dazai and Chuuya have never been the types to follow proper work protocol"

"Hmp agreed"

A small moment of silence passed between that as they took time to savor their drinks.

"Hirotsu, if you don't mind me asking, how long have you known Dazai and Chuuya? You seem awfully close" Aizawa inquired.

Raising a brow at his younger counterpart Hirotsu shrugged leaning back on his seat "We met not too long ago and they approached me offering a job at their company and this then lead them to recruit me I to their hero agency. Though this also meant I had to get a hero license but they helped sort it out"

This surprise Aizawa "Really? So you didn't start out as a hero then?"

Hirotsu shook his head "No, I never had much of an interest in the hero life, even though a had a quirk that would be considered hero material"

"Hmp so what was your previous profession then?"

"Just a simple job as a bartender in Shibuya"

"Is that so? Huh and out of curiosity, what made you suddenly decide to work as a hero?"

"I was working late one night and there was a villain attack close by, usually I would stay out of such things but since it was happening close by to the bar I worked at decided to stop it since I might end up out of a job. Illegal quirk usage is a punishable offense after the villain was defeated with minimal collateral damage I had to be taken in to the police station. After a few hours they told me I was bailed out and some people wanted to speak to me."

"That was my first meeting with Dazai and Chuuya, they had been in the area and were the ones to bail me out. They offered to give me a job at their company saying they had taken some sort of interest in me. Not long after working their they proposed I join their hero agency after they said they were looking for recruits. They started with the necessary paperwork work to get me a hero license since I never attended a hero school."

Aizawa listened intently, it sure was strange since almost every hero Aizawa met had always gone to some hero academy either abroad or in Japan. Their were some exceptions with heroes like Hawks coming from the HPSC, bit this was not the case.

Looking down at his half empty cup Aizawa, he closed his eyes breathing through his mouth. He always knew Dazai and Chuuya would be the biggest problem children he'd ever meet from the start.

Hirotsu's backstory will be more looked upon in the future as well as the other members of the port mafia since in this universe they have all their memories of their past lives like Dazai and Chuuya do but we're brought up differently. Sorry for any spelling errors. Peace out ✌️.

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