hannibal and the sawyer bros with a wendigo s/o

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Requested by MarkoTheLostBoy

This will mainly be about eating habits, so you eating people (this could be interchanged with a cannibal reader)


☆He enjoys your eating habits, considering he has similar ones

☆He always he food for you and even though he know very well you can hunt for yourself, he still like preparing nice dinners for you

☆He would be more than grateful if you brought him food to cook and would be all over you praising you for it


☆He's super grateful you eat what he eats without problems, since that means you'll have fewer problems with his family

☆He also would be over the moon if you brought food or helped him with killing

☆He makes sure you're well fed at all times. You're his pretty boy, after all


☆oh he'll yeah! Another people eater? What a coincidence!

☆seriously, though, he also makes sure you are very well fed and makes a little distance from you and his family

☆If you hunt or help him, he will tease you for doing it cause you love him so much but never want to do it without you now


☆grovy~ works out great. He eats people, you eat people. It's like you're meant to be

☆he always takes you with him to hunt or get some dinner and love telling you stories of random shit

☆LOVES getting high, eating leftovers (Drayton specially), make-out, maybe fuck, then go to bed

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