Paranoid Part 1

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“Seven” Tom said dryly to himself in the bathroom mirror, he woke up like he always does with, the need to throw up and an intense headache.After brushing his teeth he lied back down and just stared at the ceiling. He rested his hands on his belly. Rubbing the small baby bump that was there.

Ton had officially been living with that stupid morning sickness for seven months now.
Living in Tord’s base again was rather nice… Tom gets pampered, food, treats, and lots of cuddles as an apology.

Tom looked down at his casted arm… it was constantly achy. He's had a terrible migraine ever since those douche dick soldiers wacked him in the head with a led pipe.

Tom sluggishly walked back to his bed. The poor boy had been trapped in this room for three days.. Three. Fucking. Days. He sighed, tears starting to well up in his eyes. What would Edd and Matt think? What are they thinking now? They must be so worried. Suddenly, Tom grunted, feeling a little kick right where his left thumb was. It caused him to laugh.

“Hi there, are you awake?” he smiled, feeling a little foot move across his belly. “Good morning, to you too.” The small Brit let out a happy sigh. He wondered where Tord was. Usually, he was always there when he woke up. Speaking of Tord, he heard footsteps approaching, so he moved his hands and covered his belly with the blanket, not bothering to pretend that he was asleep. The door opened, and Tord poked his head in. He smiled and came to lie down with the small boy.

“Good morning.” Tom said sheepishly as he was met with a warm hug. “Good morning, min kjære. How are you feeling?” Tom hummed, pecking Tord’s cheek. “Honestly I could be a lot better.” Tord smiled sadly., “I’m sorry min kattunge. Come on, get dressed, I’m going to take you to the medical ward.”

"Huh? W-wait, why?" Toms heart rate spiked. Oh fuck… Tom thought. There are so many things that could happen, Tord could find out about the baby, they could do weird science experiments on him. Oh god, the possibilities are endless. But Tom did as he was told, putting on something comfy, so just pajama shorts, white stockings, and Tord’s hoodie. It  looked like a little dress on him. “Why do we need to go there now? I’m so tired.. '' Tom whined. “I know, but there’s something  my medical team wants to examine you for..”

“Why?” Tom's voice shook slightly. Tord just chuckled and cupped Tom’s cheeks in his hands, placing a very gentle and loving kiss on his lips. Then he pressed their noses together, giving each other eskimo kisses. Tord pulled away to hold Tom’s hand and calmly led him to the medical ward. All the soldiers they passed saluted. Because Tom is clearly the leader’s little plaything, soldiers started saluting him too. It made him feel weird… important but weird.

Tom’s heart was racing so fast, his breathing became reggaged and a bit heavy, he was panicking and clearly Tord noticed. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay, there’s nothing to worry about. No needles, I promise.” Tord hugged him tightly, rubbing his back. “O-okay, I’m just… nervous.” Tord kissed his knuckles. “I know, kitten. But I’ll be right here, okay?” Tom just nodded.

The two males were met by a doctor and her three nurses once they got to the medical ward. They greeted Tom kindly, mainly to keep him calm and because he was trying to hide behind Tord. Clearly, the poor thing was panicked, doing everything he could to leave, coming up with all types of excuses. None of which worked. “Alright, we have everything prepared. Come on back.” The first thing they needed to do was take a blood sample, but based on the glare, Tord shot at the doctor and her explaining why led Tom to believe that they weren’t supposed to originally. Tord squeezed Tom’s hand protectively.

“It’s okay Tor- erm… Sir, I’ll just need a distraction…" Tom has a tendency to pass out when he gets his blood drawn so the nurses laid him down in a very specific bed, it had a monitor and other stuff around it like these weird little bottles of gel and- wait a second, Tom has seen this set up before. The first thing he did when he found out that he was pregnant was to get an ultra sound. This is the setup for an ultra sound. “U-um… I-isn’t there another room w-with a bed o-or this the only r-room?” His heart started racing faster.

The doctor shook her head, which was followed by a “Nope, this is the only room we have left.” Suddenly, the doctor grabbed his arm and quickly laid him down. “Take deep breaths, okay? I’ll do a countdown.” Tom squeezed his eyes shut and started humming random notes, which were incredibly out of key. Humming is something he does when he's really scared or sad. The countdown was followed by a quick pinch in the arm, causing Tom to squeak and tear up. “It’s okay honey, I'm right here.” Tord said softly. He thought about how weird Tord had been with him recently.

Tord has been so soft and gentle, Hes also been awfully patient with him. It's amazing that he hasn’t been punished for running away. Tord rubbed his thumb over Tom’s forehead, gently hushing the scared boy. “Its okay, kitten, you’re okay.”

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