𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1

27 7 12


(this is my first time writing a story so please be gentle, but I do respect criticism and I will use it to improve in future projects)


It was a normal school day, the sun was beaming with positive energy affecting individuals' moods. But for me, today is super exhausting and terrible even though it's still midday, my boyfriend, Tyler, broke up with me a month ago, and it still ruins my mood thinking about it and seeing his face every day, and I failed my math test miserably, got called to the office, and that's where I am sitting currently.

"Avery," My math teacher Mr. Ryan sighed,  "I don't get it, this is your third time in a row failing a test" He frowned, giving me my ruffled test papers. "I, unfortunately, have to contact your parents, this level of carelessness towards school work is completely unacceptable" he crossed his arms, his glasses resting on his nose bridge, giving me a disappointed look that every teacher masters.

"Mr. Ryan, please don't contact my parents, I'll improve I swear" I stood up my voice almost cracking "Just give me some time," I begged.

He sighed for the umpteenth time today, "That is the third time you've given me this sad excuse, and I've seen no improvement so far when this happens, parent supervision has to be involved ASAP." he slammed the wooden office table with his hand and then walked over to the door holding it for me to leave. So I did.

I walked out, and the door slammed shut behind me, now standing in this depressing humid hallway. I can't stand this place anymore, my dad will kill me when he gets a call from Mr. Ryan. My dad works in the police department and has no time for this shit happening in school or my life. I also lost my mother at a young age, and I'm the only child, too. My Best Friend, Mia, walked up to me, shaking me out of my spacing-out session, These happen so often nowadays. I zone out, Mia shakes me out of it, it's beginning to feel like a routine to me, her, and everyone else. She has her chocolate hair in this messy bun, lazy hazel eyes, and soft features that make me feel warm wanted, and heard. "Are you okay?" her face was twisted in a grimace, she felt my pain before I told her what happened, that's why I love her so much. I just nodded; I didn't want to talk about anything.


The school day ended, and we were walking side by side on the sidewalk,

"He's calling your dad!" pure fear on her face "Rest in peace" she fake-cried, and then we chuckled.

"No, but for real," she looked at me, her face serious, "What are you going to tell him."

I shrugged, "I honestly don't care anymore." She sighed, "Avery, life can't stop because of him."

"But it's not!" I huffed.

Mia shook her head, "This has to stop, he moved on, you have to move on too!" I fixated my gaze on the stony sidewalk. She hugged me "See you tomorrow, and you better be more cheerful" I smiled, and it dropped once we parted ways.

I shoved my headphones into my ears, increasing the volume turned on 'How to Disappear' by Lana Del Ray, and ambled the rest of the way home.

I opened the door carefully, and the first room that enveloped me was the living room, it was already dark outside and so was the room, the lights were dim, so Dad's home already.

"Explain your grades" he barked behind me suddenly, I turned around, and I saw him standing he had his officer uniform on, arms on the waist, eyebrows frowned, and forehead veins threatening to pop.

I sunk my head to the ground, I can't look at him, he doesn't even know about Tyler,

"I don't understand, I try my best to spoil you, then you reward me with bad grades?" he stepped closer, "look at me" he raised his voice. I looked at him, his face was red now, "I'm sorry Dad," I whispered. He inhaled deeply "I don't want this happening ever again" he rubbed his face in disappointment looking at me, I nodded then he waved at me to leave.

I was midway through the stairs when he shouted my name, so I came back to him, he sat on the couch facing me.

"You need to pack up, we're moving next week."

I dropped my school bag on the floor. "What?" I croaked, "You heard me" he stood up, "You better be prepared by tomorrow." My fists were shaking, I am shaking. "No.", he raised his brows, "I'm not asking you; I'm ordering you" so I screamed "No! You can't do this!" my breath started to quicken. He was shocked, I never screamed nor raised my voice at my dad because I knew better, but this is an exception. He can't just go around and make decisions without asking me first, I am a grown-up now I can speak my mind, and I can choose what to do.

"Avery, Honey" he's calm now, "We have to move, but you don't have to move schools it's just a different neighborhood."

"Still." I looked at him, my vision blurry, "You could've asked me beforehand, I'm old enough to understand, ever since Mum passed away you've been treating me like an object." My voice cracked, "Avery..." he called gently. "You never ask me how was school, how are you today, all you care about is your stupid work!" I shouted, the glaze on my eyes breaking into tiny crystal drops. He looked away, scratching his short brown beard. I ran upstairs, to my room, and locked the door, I threw myself on the bed, crying myself to sleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night, I looked for my phone, and it was 2 AM. There were three missed calls from Mia and a lot of text Notifications. I dropped my phone on my bed and sat up, my stomach grumbled, I was hungry, but I didn't feel like eating, so I got up and took a hot steaming shower. I was drying my dirty blonde hair while staring at myself in the mirror, messy wet hair, the white canvas around my sky-blue pupil was now splattered with red, and my under eyes were puffy. I feel dead, I look horrid.

I made my way to the kitchen passing Dad's bedroom, it was dark and empty, the house was empty, something must've happened at work. I spread the peanut butter on top of the raspberry jam, then I began munching on it while checking my phone to find a text from Dad.


Dear Avery,

I left for work; it was an urgent emergency.

A girl from your school was found horribly murdered.

I locked the door when I left, but the murderer is still out there, be careful.

Do not leave the house till I come back.


To Be Continued...

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