chapter 3

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Just in further 5 minutes, they reached the hospital with the huge sign board showing 

‘Bradford Royal Infirmary’

“come on lets go honey, lets get you checked up”.

Both Jasmine and her mother walked into the hospital. After what felt like an eternity Jasmine got her ankle all nicely patched up with medicine and painkillers she ate also helped her ease the pain as she walked to the hospital front desk by herself. As Angelina was getting some documents from the hospital, Jasmine took out her phone to check if the professor saw and replied to her text about her getting in a tiny accident and about being late. Her eyes bulged out as she saw that her professor who never replies to anyone had replied her with the text ,

Me: Good morning sir, I am very sorry but this morning I had a little accident and I have to visit the hospital for it.

So I believe , I will be a little late for my group’s presentation so if you could just switch my group’s presentation with the last group then I believe I can make it till my group’s turn.     

Prof :  oh... I am sorry about the accident.

       : Its alright for you to take your time. I will be switching your group’s turn with the last group’s turn. 

Me: thank you ! so much!.


Angelina’s POV:  

“seriously these hospitals just have so many forms to fill. Seriously its like I am filin—”


I suddenly looked up after hearing the sudden scream and ran towards Jaz to check if she was alright.

“ Jaz! Are you alright?? Why did you screamed??”

I shook her arm as I asked her but there was no response from her so I turned her to my side and saw her grinning like an idiot while she looked at her phone. 


“what? Ouch! Why are squeezing my arm so tight? What is it woman?”

“why the hell are you screamin?”

  “wait...I?’s actually umm my professor extended the time for my I guess I got a bit excited?” “well stop screaming, people are literally judging us....”

Jaz looked around and noticed that yeah people were looking at them weirdly. 

“ah...I am sorry....I am sorry...!”.

‘seriously this girl has her father’s useless’

“ugh seriously....stop embarrassing yourself and come on, let’s get to the car quick”

I helped Jasmine sit on a bench outside the hospital so she don’t have to walk to the car and we decided that I will bring the car around. 

While I was a going to the parking lot, someone bumped into me and walked ahead without even apologizing. The audacity!. 

As I turned to see who it was, I saw a young girl with blonde hair with pink streaks wearing a hella skin tight top and a thigh length short walking or more like swaying her hips towards the parking lot as well. 

She had her sun glasses hung on her cleavage zip which seriously made me uncomfortable because, seriously its a hospital for God sake. She walked towards an expensive looking car. And when I looked closely it was MERCEDES BENZ! And just that it was this years best model!. 

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