(Chapter 1)

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Butters POV:

I really miss my friends. Why did I have to move to South Park... Why can't I just go back? And the weather here.. Is nothing like what I thought I would be. It's snowing. I'm not used to this cold, freezing, weather. And my stupid shitty dad, it's all his fault I can't see my friends again.. I thought to myself.


"Y-yes father!" I said.

Why did he have to be abusive.. I hurried and ran to unpack. The house reeked of trash and wet paint. I wonder if I'm "gonna" be able too get used living here.

I decided to see what my room looked like. All there was, was a mattress, a big window, and random stuffed toys. I looked out the window to see drunk people smoking and I even saw a woman offering a blow job to a guy. The snowy mountains made something look nice at least. Other then that, this place was good. I guess.

It 10:00 PM by the time I finished unpacking. My dad didn't help at all, probably because he's a stupid lazy piece of shit.

"Fuck that son of a bitch.. " I mumbled under my breath.

I was pretty tired.

"I should go to sleep now. After all, I did a bunch of work. "

I decided to put on some of my favorite pajamas. It was pink, had hello kitty on it, and also had a pattern which was white dots. As I lay down in bed, looking at my ceiling, I thought, hopefully I meet done really great friends.. Yeah, hopefully. And since I fall asleep easily, It didn't take long before my eyes drifted away.

Next day.

I woke up due to my alarm making an annoying, frustrated beeping sound that sounded like a screaming robot. I touched my arm and realized I cut myself last night.

"How could I forget about that?" I say to myself.

It was 6:00 AM at that time. I put on my cyan, or maybe it was sky blue? Whatever, I put on cyan jacket and hurried downstairs. Made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and put on my hello kitty backpack on.

"Oh gee whiz, I hope today doesn't fail me.. "

I say. I then opened my door, and ran to what seemed like a bus stop with four people, one had an orange parka on and had blonde hair. Another one had a red and blue hat which had pom pom on top that was red. Next, there was a Jewish person. Which had a green hat on. If I had to be honest, the hat looked cool in a way. And then, there was a fat one. I silently giggled at the last ones appearance.

I huffed an puffed, and stood next to a sign. Hoping the group of four didn't notice me.

"I wish I was dead, so my abusive father wouldn't cause me misery anymore.. "

I didn't even realize that I mumbled it instead of just thinking it. Gosh, I'm such a dumbass. I decided to look up, just to realize the group of four staring at me. Except the fat one kept staring at their phone.

"Who the fuck are you? I've never seen you around here before.."

The one in the orange parka said.

"O-oh! Well hello feller! UHM.. I'm Leopold! But most people call me Butters.. And, I'm new here in South Park Colorado.. "

The teen in the orange parka scared me. I hated that.

"Ah, I see. Well, this is Kyle, the one in the orange jacket, with the green hat on. Next you have Stan. Aka, Kyle's "Super Best Friend". I always like to tease them by saying "Super Best Boyfriends". It's funny too me. Anyways, Stan is the one in the blue and red hat. And that fat fuck over there is Cartman. Eric Cartman. And me? I'm the hot prostitute, Kenny. "

The Walking Disappointment. (Butters x Kenny) Bunny. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant