(Chapter 3)

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Butters POV:

I went to the back of the bus to sit down like I would normally do. Normally, nobody would sit down next to me. But Kenny came and sit down next to me instead of where he would normally sit.


(Sorry for saying normally so much)

"Why are you sitting next to me Ken?" I said, visibly confused.

"Well, I just felt like it. And we are friends anyways." He said.

"Well, I guess you're right feller.." I said, laughing nervously at him.

He looked through the window. Wow, his eyes shine.

UHM, Well that felt embarrassing but at the same time it didn't? Im not really sure.

"Ugh it's taking so long for this bus to arrive at school.. " I mumbled to myself

"What was that Buttercup?" He asked me.

Wait, Buttercup? Since when did he start calling me that? Since now? I'm asking myself too many questions..

"Nothing feller!" I say, smiling warmly.

Few minutes go by, and we finally arrive to school. That felt like forever!

I walked into school and saw Tolkien.

"Hiya Tolkien!"

'Hey Butters." He said back.

When Butters made it to class

I finally got to class! Walking there takes forever..

"Alright today were gonna.. blah.. Blah.. Blah.."

Mr. Garrison sucks. Why did I have to be in HIS math class.  Uhh, just calm down, somehow.

"This math class is boring.." I heard the fatty say.

"Be quiet fatty!" Said Kyle.





"oh god.." I mumbled under my breath.

"Dude, you can't say fuck!" Stan said.


"fucking bullshat.." Eric mumbled.

Lunch time.

The sound of people in the background. Sometimes it annoys me. Uhg.

"Hey, buttercup, are you gonna eat you're food?" Kenny asked.

"Hm? Oh! No, you can have it Ken!" I said, smiling.

I actually did want to eat it.. But in Kenny's current conditions, he needs it more than I do.. Even though I haven't ate in the past four days.. Or so..

"Thanks Buttercup!" He said, taking the tray.

"FAGS!" Cartman said.


I just zoned out.

I can't wait to go home and get grounded.

.... And get beaten up.

Snap snap

"Butters, dude, come on, it's time for class!" Stan said.

"H-huh? Oh! Sorry Stan.." I said, laughing nervously.

"Yeah yeah, hurry." He answered back.

During second period.

"Mr.Garrison, can me and Stan go use the bathroom please?" Kyle asked.

"Of course!" The Teacher replied, answering the question.

Note: Kyle is the favorite student in each. God. Damn. Class.

"Buttercup." Kenny whispered to me.

"Yeah Ken?" I whispered back.

"Wanna go see what Stan and Kyle are doing?" He said, smirking.

I was confused, but said sure.

"Sure feller." I answered.

"Mr.Garrison, me and Butters need to use the bathroom."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever."

"FAGS!" Cartman yelled.

"Shut the hell up!" Mr. Garrison told him.

We started walking to the bathroom. Not noticing our fingers were interlocked with each other.

I opened the door and..


Me and Kenny saw Kyle an Stan making out. A bulge in between both of their legs. Stan was pinning Kyle against the wall.


Kyle noticed me and Kenny.

"I-its not what it looks like you guys!!" He said nervously, waving his hands right and left.

Stan turned around and saw us. He started laughing nervously.

"U-uh.." Stan didn't know what to say.

This was literally me and Kenny's reaction:

This was literally me and Kenny's reaction:

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604 words.

4:45 AM. Sunday, May 14th.


The Walking Disappointment. (Butters x Kenny) Bunny. Where stories live. Discover now