Chapter 8: Farmer Refuted

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Samuel Seabury: Hear ye, hear ye, my name is Samuel Seabury. And I present "Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress"

"'Free thoughts'? Oh no... this can't be good..." Hermione mumbled, making Ron look at her with a questioning gaze. Ron didn't know just how violent people in history could get over people contradicting them and their opinions.

Samuel Seabury: ...

Many people looked at the three on screen, some scared, and some just staring at the amount of hate and anger that was almost radiating off them. "The only advice I can give you is not to do something you'll regret, pup," Sirius warned, shuddering as he thought about some of the bad decisions he made when he was in school.

Samuel Seabury: Heed not the rabble who scream revolution. They have not your interests at heart.

"You know I thought that Riddle guy was weird, but at least they are as fuc- I mean, as scary as Harry, Blaise, Ron, and Fleur are," Ginny said, correcting herself as seeing her mother's glare pointed in her direction.

"I do not think we can accurately compare Mr. Riddle with your friends in the other universe if we do not know them personally," Dumbledore said, unaware of just how hypocritical he was at moments like this.

Many of the current Hogwarts students just rolled their eyes at Dumbledore, not trying to conceal their reactions at all, as they knew Dumbledore would ignore them anyways.

Ron Weasley (Hercules Mulligan): Oh my God, tear this dude apart.

"You know suddenly I'm glad I've never been on the wrong side of those glares," A student shuddered, thinking about how they might react if someone glared at them like that.

Samuel Seabury: Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution.

"Do you think that's King George?" Arthur Weasley asked some of the other adults near him, including his wife. "I would hope not... he looks quite unpleasant," Molly said, watching the flash on the screen that showed the supposed King George with an evil grin on his face.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Remus said a frown on his face, "Unfortunately, Harry's never had great luck with authority figures. And judging by how this King George has been described so far, along with how many people want a revolution, I believe we can assume that not many people like him as a ruler."

Samuel Seabury: Don't let them lead you astray. This Congress does not speak for me.

"Oh, Harry... what are you planning on doing?" Fred and George mumbled, already thinking of the possible ways that Harry could mess with the Seabury guy.

Tom Riddle (Aaron Burr): Let him be.

"Hah! I wouldn't even try to stop Harry at that point, let him get in as much trouble as he's going to. No use getting involved," Ron said, earning a glare from Harry. "I see how much you care, thanks Ron, really appreciate it."

Samuel Seabury: They're playing-

"How did that work?!" Draco asked, astonished. Riddle fell for the obvious bait, allowing Potter to get to Seabury, if Draco tried that, well, he definitely wouldn't succeed.

Samuel Seabury: -a dangerous game.

"Yes... he did," Remus sighed, he didn't want his pup to make a decision he would regret.

Samuel Seabury: ...

"Oh, my Merlin..." Hannah Abbott whispered, she was starting to get creeped out by the way Harry was crawling onto the stage while thinking about "murder time".

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