Chapter 3

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Kenny POV

       On the way to school in Kyle's Car, I can't help but feel that pang of anxiety, just thinking about what Cartman was going to do to me could make me throw up right here. Since first period for us is math class, I take my seat. But then, Cartman sits right next to me. CURSE THE TEACHER AND THESE ASSIGNED SEATS.

"Kinneh.. Why weren't you home yesterday? I was gonna punish you!" I mentally frown and prepare myself. "I wasn't home Cartman, I was at a friends house and fell asleep, so I stayed over." Cartman sighed at me, and the teacher came into the classroom. "Alright children, today we will...."

I walk towards the bathroom and cartman follows me. "Uhm, excuse me? Why are you following me Cartman, go back to class." He pins me to the wall, tears starting to run down my face. Where are your boyfriends when you need them..

As soon as I close my eyes, I hear a loud bang, along with a cracking sound. I fall to the ground, sobbing. "Sorry we were late, Ken, the teacher was being a nuisance."

3rd POV

Kenny runs to the two men, almost tripping in the process. "I-Im so glad you guy came, who knows what would've happened if you didn't show up!" Kyle wraps his arms around Kenny. "Maybe we should go home for the day." They boys ask for permission to leave, then they get back into the car, to pick up Karen and Ike. Little did they know, someone was following them.

When they reached home, Kyle received a message.

Craig- Hey Ky, would you and Stan like to go to the Arcade with Clyde and I?

Kyle- Sure, CT! Stan's always up for a trip to the arcade. Be there In a few.

"Ken, Do you want to go to the arcade with us?" He shook his head no. "I'm pretty tired, so I'll stay here with Karen." They boys left the house with a goodbye, locking the door behind them.

1 hour later, Kenny heard glass shattering. But he saw Karen sleeping peacefully next to him on the bed. He heard a bunch of male voices. "Take everything and kill anyone you see. We can't let anyone know about this."

Karen woke up Due to the noise. "Kenny, hi!" The boy quickly covered her mouth. "Kare-Bear, go into the closet and lock it from the inside. Do not make a sound."
She nods, climbing into the closest. Kenny grabs his new phone and calls Kyle.

"Hey Ken! What's up? Why do you sound so Scared?"

"Kyle. There's people in the house. I recommend that you don't come home tonight. I'll try to get Karen and I somewhere safe, but you guys cannot come back, no matter what."

"But what about you? We can't just leave you there!!"

He hung up and Took Karen out of the closet. "Oh no.. Ike is still here.." He carefully steps out of my room, walking slowly to Ike's room. Then, carefully, the door opens, revealing someone hovering over Ike. The poor boy, he must be so scared.

Kenny pulls out his gun from his pocket and shoots him. "Oh. i forgot I had this. I don't think I should bring this to school next time.." Ike runs up to Ken and Hugs him. "Where's Kyle? Is he ok? We need to go get him kenny!" The blonde boy nods. "We can see him tomorrow, Ike. I promise I won't let you die, or Kyle."

They run back to Karen's room. "Wait here." Kenny jumps off the second floor window onto the ground. "If you trust me, then jump!" Ike jumps, then Karen. Then Cartman looks out the window of Karen's room. "DAMN YOU KINNEY! YOUR MINE, YOU HEAR ME!?"

The three of them run, far away from Cartman and the house.

(Sorry if this was poorly written, I'm tired as hell)

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