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After they said to come with them, Sooyoung had to, she wanted to see her siblings.

"Where exactly are we going?" Sooyoung Asked she couldn't wait, thinking she could see them again brought her into tears.

"Here." The girl said, as the man opens the door, and you could see a beach but with no one on it.

"We'll explain to you."

"A Yung is what most people would call a heaven, it was a bridge where dead and alive could meet. A counter is a person who would fight off evil spirits, and saving those innocent individuals. Fighting off an evil spirit can cause you, your lives, or your families lives. Though if you become a counter you'll have your power to protect yourselves from them, but you cannot use it to any human being, and let them know you have the ability, that normal people don't have. You cannot use it for any personal gain." The man said to Sooyoung,

she was skeptical because it could cause her lives that even she was afraid to lose. Hearing all that makes her want to sleep and never wake up again, but she knew she couldn't do that, but she wanted to protect her only family, and she'll do whatever she can to protect them.

"So if I use it to any personal gain, I'll be dismiss for being a counter?" Sooyoung asked.

"Yes. We know that you are a rightful person, so we don't have to worry about you." The girl said.

Yeah, rightful person don't know 'bout that.

The man started to walk again, the girl following, Sooyong who has ko c hi choice, followed too.

The scenery changes, it is now a night time, Sooyoung looked around, finding this place familiar yet unfamiliar.

The two, then turned around looking at Sooyoung, then the girl cough, breaking Sooyoung into whatever trance she put herself too.

Then a girl walks out of the dark pushing another girl, the one who was pushed looked the the girl who pushed her.

The girl who pushed another, brings out a knife, the girl who was on the ground looked up in fear, that was enveloping her whole system.

Then she stab the one on the ground, right In the eye. Sooyoung screamed at the scene that was happening in front of her.

The girl pulled out the knife and stab straight into the heart. Sooyoung tears fall uncontrollably, Sooyoung closed her eyes, hoping that once she closed it, they'll be gone.

"Sooyoung, what you see in front of you, happened already. That's why wee need counters, to protect those innocents." The girl speak, making Sooyoung open her eyes again.

Sooyoung was still a bit shaken up, who would, you just saw someone get murdered in front of you.

Sooyoung never thought she'll be in there predicament, never did she thought this will happen to her, this was what her dream when she was younger, be a superhero, help those who are in need, but things happen, and she was forced to mature.

The two gave her time to think, they said that once she made her choice she just has to place her hand on her heart and wait for a few seconds, they say.

After Sooyoung thought, about the advantage and disadvantage, she then made the choice. Choosing to do it, for her siblings. She's ready to risk it all.

She place her hand on top of her chest and just want for a few seconds, just what she has been instructed to.

Then she wakes up in a beach, you can see anything but a water and a sand no hut, or things in sight just plain beach, a few stones here and there, but it's surprisingly calming.

A two hands touched her shoulders, turning she was greeted by Migo and Nari, who introduced themselves before they leave her.

"So are you in?" Nari stares at Sooyoung carefully asking her, hoping she'd say yes. She feels a powerful energy in Sooyoung.

"I think I can do it."


This is a bit short but there's so many scenarios in my head that I'm a bit confused on what I really should do.

Thank you for reading my story which I really feel was like a crap.


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