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The Child fainting is the very least thing Sooyoung ever want to see.

After Sooyoung making sure Ms. Chu, and the Child are fine, Sooyoung hurriedly, came to help the counters as more evil spirit, joined the fight.

Sooyoung then punch the evil spirit before kicking it, making it unconscious, then run to help another
sooyoung then got hit by a rock coming from behind her, Sooyoung turned around just to avoid another rock that has come to her way.

Sooyoung quickly slides underneath the evil spirit, then kick, making it fall while helping Motak with the other evil spirit.

Three evil spirts, that's what they think at first but who would've thought that it was five, FIVE evil spirits roaming around the city undetected, that's what scared them the most.

The fight quickly came to a stop when, Mun and Motak, helped each other and knocked down the evil spirit.

Hana and Mun were entrusted to summon the evil spirits, so Sooyoung sits on the floor, tired would be an understatement, they were exhausted.

After settling into the van, Sooyoung was quickly overcome by sleepiness, joining Hana and Mun who are still sleeping.

"Motak, what do you think? I told you she was perfect for this job." Ms. Chu, starts the conversation making Motak look at her. Seemingly deep in thought.

"Honestly, I was very surprised that she was able to do that as it appears, that she hasn't done any trainings. Probably the adrenaline she feels earlier and kind of overwhelmed as it was her first time." Motak said, probably the longest sentence he had said about Sooyoung.

It's true though, she hadn't received any proper trainings except those martial arts, she learned when she was younger but stopped due to a family problems.

Sooyoung was forced to stop trainings, she really tried to keep up with the trainings and stuff, but shit happens, and she's no longer able to train, due to being financially unstable, family almost breaking apart, grades falling, and brothers in hospital. It's just too much for her. She considers stopping in her school but was persuaded by grandparents to not stop.

Now, Sooyoung wakes up in the noodle store they have always been, looking around she spots, Mun still asleep and probably not at the H
YUNG but actually asleep, Ms. Chu and Motak working about something, Hana is not there at the moment.

Sooyoung tried to stand up only to feel her entire body burning, she tried to force herself to stand up only for Ms. Chu to stop her, not noticing that she walked up to her.

"Stop, your body probably hurt because you're not yet accustomed of fighting, and it must be overwhelming, I can heal you, but you'll not get used to the pain if I heal you, so try not to move too much and endure it." Ms. Chu said, Sooyoung was very touched, because of Ms. Chu's Caring tone and words.

"How are they undetected? Is it possible for evil spirits to come together?"

"It's... Possible but rare, usually Hana can detect them miles away, but those evil spirits just probably turned not long ago, but killed many people so they upgrade faster. But that's just... Too rare." Motak butted in.

Sooyoung doesn't know if it's the right world she got herself in, but one things for sure, she'll do anything to protect her loved ones.

Sooyoung was taught by her parents that everything's gonna be alright, they promised her they will never leave, but why do promises always break? Why can't they just be promise meant to be promise? Why can't be it be ok? Why do we need to break them? And why do we even make promises if we can't even keep it?

Sooyoung was very tired, tired for being always there, she sometimes wishes she doesn't have any younger siblings to take care of, so just she can have fun? But those thoughts don't stay long, she just loves them too much, that she can't bear the though of them leaving her or her leaving them.

Motak and Ms. Chu looked at Sooyoung, deciding to leave her alone, they figured she must want an alone time, specially because her this encounter and fight is very overwhelming.

Sooyoung does want and needs alone time. She process the things that she normally wouldn't thought of, if you told her that she almost died while protecting a child then being a "grim reaper" she prolly would've cackled uncontrollably, and then laugh till tears pours out her eyes.

She just wasn't expecting any of it.

While Sooyoung was having her own thought, Hana was pouring her anger but training.

She was angry because she normally would be able to track them sooner, she's angry that she only tracks them after they already killed innocent people, who probably have families waiting for them to come home. She's angry at the thought of that, that she let them roam around scratch free.

Hana kicks it, no matter if she kicks or punches it one hundred times more, the guilt she felt are too much to bear, she kicks, punches, and scream but the people already died and she can't bring them back to life.

The now awake Mun watches her, watching how she punched the punching back how she kicks it and the way she cried. Mun knows that feeling all too well.

Knowing that he can save many people only if they discover it sooner. No one will ever know the pain of knowing you can save the many people but failed to help them, and he watches how she fall to the ground will bloodied hands, blood pouring out of the slender hands of a girl who grieves, the blood that knows too much, the blood that was always been in their hands. The blood that was always there.

They know it, no matter how much they save, it doesn't lessen the pain of knowing, someone died without knowing whats happening.


Ok I did this chapter because of the Stories of tiktoks and you know I'm Filipino and the thing is they create AU's here or alternative world, where they create a new characters but they use idols, or just anyone practically to create the world they wanna create. I'm so inspired because they made too much and is still posting I was very inspired by it so I made this chapter for that very reason.

I don't know when I will update again, but maybe if I really got inspiration.

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