𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓 - 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲

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Third Person POV:

After a few weeks of wandering along the coast, Jet, Smellerbee, Longshot, and Dao were spotted by a couple Fire Nation soldiers. They couldn't flee. Jet was still injured and even their daily trekking was hard enough for him. So they tried to avoid them as much as possible, but in the end the soldiers caught up to them.

Only they weren't actual Fire Nation soldiers.

The shorter of the two introduced himself as Chief Hakoda of the Southern Water Tribe as well as being Sokka and Katara's father. Apparently the Avatar and his friends had an invasion plan for taking down the Fire Nation on the day of the eclipse and they needed an army. Sokka had supposedly come up with an entire list of people who he and the other kids had met on their world travels, and apparently the Freedom Fighters were on that list.

Jet was ready to object and say that they were trying to stay as far from the Fire Nation as they could. That was until the taller man beside the Chief mentioned that they'd already found the other half of the Freedom Fighters. 

They followed the men back to the Fire Nation ship, slightly worried about this being a trap, but that was quickly disproved when they saw the Pipsqueak with The Duke on his shoulders at the top of the gangplank. Sneers stood beside them. 

And just like that their family was reunited.




Over the next month, they continued collecting people for their army, eventually transfering to a fleet of Water Tribe ships before finally approaching the Fire Nation. 

During that time Jet's ribs healed to the point where there was just the occasional painful twinge, but at least he was able to start working with his swords again. But more importantly, the Freedom Fighters were reunited. And even better, thanks to the Avatar's allies they now had a way to finally take down the Fire Nation.

After nearly six weeks at sea, they finally docked at some empty islands not far from the main capital of the island. They were greeted by the Avatar and his friends. They spent the rest of that day unloading all unnecessary items from the ships. The day was when the real preparations began.

Despite their army being nowhere the size that it would have been with the Earth Kingdom army, Jet was still quite confident in their odds of actually taking on the Fire Nation, especially if the Fire Nation didn't even know they were coming. Plus, considering how few Freedom Fighters Jet had had taking on small troops, this was going to be a piece of cake.

The morning of the invasion they were split up into their teams for the invasion. Sneers, The Duke, and Pipsqueak were staying with Toph's group of fighters. While they were there Smellerbee, Jet, and Longshot were staying with the Water Tribe sibling's group. 

The biggest surprise was when Dao had offered to go with Aang. Dao revealed that he somehow knew how to get around the palace and would be able to help Aang find the Firelord. He didn't go into the details of how he knew this, but Jet knew not to press Dao. He never tried to dig into Dao's past, he knew something bad had happened and he didn't want to bring up bad memories.

With their plans set, they headed out to the actual invasion, after Jet had made Aang swear to keep Dao safe while they traveled through the palace. 

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