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Harper rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as a yawn escaped her lips. She made her way down the stairs, the now familiar route to the kitchen memorized in her mind. The scent of coffee and breakfast wafted throughout the house, wrapping itself around her. She smiled at the comfort that such a simple thing could bring her. It was the little things that made all of the difference when her whole life had been nothing short of a shitshow. And this home was full of those little gestures that brought her a feeling of comfort and safety. Something that was a rarity for her.

Harper could feel herself getting used to this family more each day and mentally kicked herself for breaking her number one rule: not to get attached. It was only a temporary placement, and although it could last months, it would eventually end. Tomorrow, next week, or in the next couple of months. But it would end. She had to remind herself of that. That this wasn't permanent and the Hudsons weren't her family. It was a depressing thought that she didn't want to think about. But it was the unfortunate reality of a foster kid.

By the time she entered the kitchen, breakfast was in full swing. A smile tugged at her lips at the sight of Lucas helping Olivia and the banter that went back and forth between them.

"Good morning," Harper said as she walked up to the counter filled with food and drinks. Grabbing herself a mug, she poured herself a cup of coffee before adding the necessary milk and sugar.

"Morning, Harper," Lucas said with a smile.

"Did you sleep okay?" Olivia asked, wiping her hands on a towel.

Harper nodded and took a sip of coffee. The food was laid out on the counter, and the choices made her stomach rumble. Opting for a bagel with cream cheese, Harper sat at the table and began eating.

Just a few minutes later, Cole entered the kitchen. A sour look appeared on his face at the sight of Harper. With a deep sigh, he mumbled a good morning to his parents. He poured milk and cereal into a bowl and leaned against the counter, shoveling the food into his mouth.

"We have a table, you know," Lucas said.

"Yeah, I know," Cole answered through a mouthful.

"So use it," Lucas said, gesturing towards the table.

Begrudgingly, Cole took his bowl to the table and set it down loudly. A bit of milk spilled out over the side but went unnoticed by the preteen.

"Hey, Cole," Harper said.

Cole barely glanced in her direction. "Hi."

"What's gotten into you over the last couple of days?" Olivia questioned as she sat down beside them, followed by Lucas.

Cole shrugged. "Nothing. Why?"

"You've been acting weird ever since Valley Fest," Lucas commented.

"Are your friends still bothering you?" Olivia asked.

"No," Cole told them though he sounded frustrated. "I'm fine, okay?"

"Alright. Just checking," Olivia said as she glanced at Lucas, eyebrows raised. "Because if you want to talk about something, we're here."

Cole mumbled something that sounded like an okay as he chewed.

"So, got any plans for today?" Harper asked Cole between bites of her bagel. "Because I thought maybe we could hang out. You know, get out of the house or something."

"Uhm, no. I'm busy," Cole said, then glanced down at his phone, his attention on the screen.

Harper nodded and continued to eat though his change in behavior towards her hurt just a bit. She thought the two of them got on pretty well but something had shifted in their dynamic. His friends' teasing got to him more than he let on. And he let it change his opinion of her. She knew that his parents wouldn't be far behind. It was only a matter of time before they would all be sick of her. The food felt dry as she swallowed, the single thought making her lose her appetite.

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