Chapter Twelve - Steady Fall

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There is a love I reminisce,
like a seed
I've never sown.

Of lips that I am yet to kiss,
and eyes not met
my own.

Hands that wrap around my wrists,
and arms
that feel like home.

I wonder how it is I miss
these things
I've never known.

- Lang Leav (A Stranger)


For the second time in a space of a few days, Khushi found herself in a state of bafflement.

After she was left alone on the terrace, she took a few more minutes to compose herself before re-joining the rest. The general mood of the party was as buoyant as when she left it, but she soon found her family huddled up together, whispering worriedly. After spotting Khushi—and after reprimanding her for disappearing—they confided in her that they felt something was wrong. Just a few minutes ago, one by one every member of the Raizada family disappeared and were now nowhere to be found amidst their guests. Their speculations grew wilder by the minute, with Amma constantly confirming and re-confirming whether Khushi and Payal were sure that Arnav and Akash were not planning on disclosing Shyam’s truth any time soon.

Khushi did not participate in their conversation. She knew where the Raizadas were and if her inkling was right, her family would find out soon as well. Sure enough, just when the guests started muttering among themselves, pondering over the absence of their hosts, the whole Raizada clan re-appeared at the top of the stairs with Arnav Singh Raizada in lead.

She had resolutely fixated the floor, determined to appear as emotionless as possible as when Arnav announced to the awaiting audience that only one engagement would be taking place that evening. Even in response to her own family’s shocked whispers, she only shrugged. It was a while before the crowd started settling down from the gossip that was spreading like wildfire and when it finally came time for the ring ceremony, it was with an air of awkwardness that Payal and Akash moved towards the dais that was set for them.

Khushi followed suit with a sigh and a forced smile since she was the one holding the rings. She felt it difficult to stand within Arnav’s sight for another moment but was grateful for the shift that took place in the mood as soon as the couple took the rings. Buoyancy returned in full swing and Khushi felt a rush of affection and joy when she noticed the glow on her sister's face as she admired her adorned, glittering finger.

It was later, much later after the ceremony was over and she had helped Lavanya pack her remaining belongings—after a futile effort to stop her from leaving—and had said goodbye with a heavy heart, that Khushi was able to properly reflect on everything that had happened.

She sighed and pressed her forehead against window of the car, staring listlessly at the starry sky as she was being driven home by Mohan-ji, her family already having left a long time ago. She was beginning to feel a little numb, as if whatever happened that evening, was not real. It was, after all, something that came out of nowhere.

The second Lavanya-ji had told her about her broken engagement, Khushi had felt sure it was a prank. The reality of it sank in when Lavanya-ji’s eyes shone with tears and she was unable to speak any further. It was then that fury had flooded Khushi’s senses. She had ignored all of Lavanya-ji’s pleas and had rushed to confront the apparent bane of so many people’s existence.

She was angry at Arnav and her anger was justified. She had spent weeks in Shantivan to prepare Lavanya-ji for Nani-ji’s approval, had shouldered his taunts and Mami-ji’s quips to make sure that there was nothing unturned in Lavanya-ji’s progress, only for all that hard work to go to waste in one second. And most importantly, she had begun to see in Lavanya-ji a close friend, closest than anyone Khushi had ever known, except perhaps her sister. The pain that was reflected in Lavanya-ji’s eyes had set off in her a protective rage that she couldn't quite control.

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