En Banc

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I get in the back of Flip's very fancy car, and it begins to drive away. I sit in silence for a moment, before it speaks again. F - "So, Krisp.. what I wanted to ask you... well.. first, can you promise you won't make fun of me?" K - "Yeah, i promise. what do you wanna ask?" i look at flip with a slightly amused expression. F - "Have you ever heard of scudworth?" K - "Uh, who now?.." F - "Scudworth. Cinnamon. Clone high silly guy?" K - "Uhhhh.. noooooo.......?" F - "Okay, well Scudworth is-"

and flip ranted for three hours.

K - "Flip. Flip!! Shut up please." F - "SORRY SORRY..." K - "Okay so what were we doing weren't we going to your really cool house." F - "Yeah sorry yeah we'll go now."

and a few hours later, kris and flip arrive at a modernistic mansion.

K - "Daaaaamn.. nice house." F - "Yeah. Get in. NOW." flip shoves me through the front door, and i fall on my face. K - "FLIP WHAT THE FUCK." F - "Teehee."

a few hours pass of flip and i reminiscing about the good old days. suddenly, Avery's death was brought up.

F - "So, Avery... he left you a lot of money, yeah?" K - "Yeah, i don't remember the exact amount, but it's a lot. the bank suspects me of money laundering because of it. that's how much it is." F - "Holy hell, that must be a lot. i wonder where he got all of that money, he was only a lawyer..." K - "I wish I could ask him." i look away, thinking about something.

the lights go out suddenly. shattering sounds can be heard, presumably glass. The patter of approaching footsteps rings in our ears.

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