Habeas Corpus

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as the lights go out, i can hear footsteps approaching us rapidly. it sounds like multiple people. before i really had time to process any of this, i feel myself being grabbed, and something covering my mouth. i try to scream, or look for flip, but it's too dark and i can't make a sound. the next thing i know, i'm asleep.

i wake up in a strange white room, greeted by the sight of one person standing in front of me. the person looks oddly.. familiar. i speak, my voice cracking from my dry throat. it's been a while since i had passed out.

k - "um.. hello?" unknown - "be quiet."

i don't say a word. i look around the room nervously, looking at the plain white walls that seem to have no beginning or end. it's almost like a void. i then remember something. something important. the person in front of me was none other than my high-school friend, gen. i speak with a tinge of confusion in my voice.

k - "gen? is that you?" g - "....i was hoping you wouldn't recognize me this early. what a shame." gen takes a few steps closer, and looks at me with an emotion i couldn't quite put my finger on. i then notice something. are their eyes.. red..?

k - "gen! nice uh, coloured contacts. i think the red look suits you!" gen chuckles a bit g - "i think it's better if you think they're contacts, kris." as gen speaks, i notice something else. their teeth are rather.. sharp..? they look almost vampiristic. but that couldn't be right, gen is my friend, not some vampire. i decide to ask anyways. not directly, of course.

k - "gen, buddy ol pal.. how would you like if we got some itilian food after this..? some nice pasta, garlic bread.. you like garlic bread, don't you?" gens face scrunches up in a look of displeasure. g - "no." well, that explains something. i guess they are a vampire. oh well, i don't really care. i just want to get the fuck out of here :sob:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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