Chapter 9

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Valencia's Pov:

" Alessio baby" I yelled searching for him
" yes my love?" He said looking at me with concern. " I thought I lost you" I teared up.
" I thought I lost you. That day.." he said and I stared at him confused. " what do you mean that day?"

He let out a sigh. " You got shot right after our mission. I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop that bastard from shooting you" he said looking down ashamed of himself.

" it's okay" I said and kissed him.
" You should probably wake up" he said
" What do you mean wake up?" I asked confused. " Just wake up" he said

I felt a pain in my back before I suddenly woke up. Alessio was sleeping on my lap. I was in a hospital bed? He slowly woke up and stretched. " sup bro" I said and he smiled at me. " What the hell happened" I asked and he immediately changed from happy to sad in a second. He let out a sigh before saying
" I'm sorry" he said " Just tell me boy" I said a bit annoyed of him not telling me.

" You were shot on your back. You almost died out of blood loss" he sighed. I was shocked at how I was able to survive that.

I leaned back on the bed but I groaned in pain.
" fuck" I mumbled and held my back.
He let out another sigh. " I'm sorry I wasn't there Val"

VAL? VAL? Daddy? Huh?

" it's okay, it wasn't your fault" I smiled at him and hugged him. " What are you doing?" He asked. I let out a chuckle " It's called hugging"
" Well I don't like it" he said. I rolled my eyes at him and leaned back. " I'm tired as hell" I said and sighed. " Well you slept for 2 days so you shouldn't but sure" he said slightly smiling.
" 2 FUCKING DAYS?!" I yelled and he nodded.

We were interrupted by Alessia and the doctor coming into the room. " Oh you're awake" the doctor said surprised. " yup" I responded.
Alessia immediately ran up to me and hugged me carefully making sure she doesn't squeeze my wound. I smiled at her. " Are you okay?" She asked. " it hurts but I'm fine I think"

The doctor checked my back and gave me a cream for it. I was aloud to go home. He would come every week to make sure my back looked good. As we walked to the car I remembered everything that happened. Everything from me falling on my knees to Alessio carrying me to the car. I want to be in those hands again..


When we arrived at home Alessia helped me walk inside and into my room to rest.
I layed on the bed and turned the tv on. I turned on insatiable since me and Alessia never finished it. I was watching it until I was interrupted by someone coming into my room.
" what's up with people and interrupting my movies and series?" I said a bit annoyed.

" I just wanted to make sure everything was okay, sorry for interrupting" Alessio said.
" it's fine" I chuckled. He sat down beside me, his eyes never leaving mine.

He tuck some hair behind my ear. I slightly blushed. " I've got these feelings the whole time since you came" he admitted.

" me too" I said. He looked at me in shock
" really?" . " yeah" I responded. My heart was pounding really fast as he leaned into kiss me.
I just sat there in shock. He fast leaned back realizing what he did. I was confused until I realized. I didn't kiss back.

" this was a mistake" he said about to stand up but I pulled him back to the bed and kissed him. " it wasn't" I said moving my lips away from his. He smiled at me " Someone's obsessed" . " You wish" I smiled back, rolling my eyes at him.

He kissed me for a third time. But this time a bit rougher than before. I held his face as I kissed him back. I could feel him smile while our lips pressed on each other. If this is a dream never wake me up. I surprisingly enjoy this. I enjoy his lips on mine.

He leaned back leaving my lips and sat beside me instead of infront of me. " tell me about yourself" he said curiously. " What do you want to know?" I smiled looking at him

" hmm.. what about favorite colour? I honestly don't know" he chuckled " My favorite colour is blue or beige. Your turn" . " is it even a question? Black and grey" he said

We talked a bit about our families and our favorite things. I didn't tell him about what my brother did of course. Same with me being an assassin. I don't know if I can trust him.

Ever since I was little my brother was very abusive to me when our parents wasn't home. He gave me permanent scars. I always hide them with foundation or with covering clothes. I hate my brother. I really do. I've never told anyone except my bestfriend. She probably doesn't even know I'm sold to a mafia boss.
I feel so bad. Mariana is my bestfriend, what if she thinks I'm ignoring her? What if she does bad stuff to herself again. I don't want that to happen. I have to contact her. She's like my sister. I'm grateful for Alessia, I really am. But it's just Mariana and I grew up together. We were there for each other. We would cry over boys together. We would sit in our prom dresses and eat McDonald's. We did everything together. She's my sister. My forever sister.

I was cut out off my thoughts " Are you okay Val?" Alessio asked a bit concerned.
" yeah just thinking" I said. " About what?"
" It's just, I left my bestfriend back home. I really miss her and i haven't contacted her since I moved in. What if she does anything to herself Alessio? It'll all be my fault. She's my sister. I love her" I said not noticing the tears that had fallen down my cheeks.

" it'll be okay. We'll contact her I promise." He said comforting me. I rested my head on his shoulder. Not long after I fell asleep. In his arms..


Sorry for the short chapter. But I hope y'all like it :)💗😘

Words: 1073

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