Chapter 34

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Valencia's Pov:

The silence between us just got bigger and bigger. He called out for me, yet he didn't say anything. Makes no sense. I barely even know why he's mad at me.

The silence kept silecing meanwhile Alessio didn't even look at me.

I broke the silence "I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to say that.." I said sighing. He didn't even look at me. I shook my head "If you don't want to talk to me fine. But just so you know I'm doing an abortion" I said standing up.

"What?" He said looking at me confused. I nodded slightly and looked at him coldly.
"You can't!" He said standing up. He took my hands in his own. "Val look at me. I'm not mad at you I'm just mad at the thought that you were scared to tell me." He said kissing my hands.

"Do you know how many months you're pregnant?" He asked and I shook my head a 'no' in response. "We'll do this together okay?" He smiled calmly at me. "Fine" I rolled my eyes playfully. "Don't roll your eyes at me!" He said pushing me gently in a joking way.

"I have an appointment tomorrow. It was for the abortion but i guess I can ask for them to take a look at our baby" I said and he smiled widely. "Why are you smiling?" I asked looking at him lovingly. "You said our baby" he said calmly.

"Of course, you also have a part in the baby making" I winked and he laughed. God his laugh, it's so angelic.


I woke up at 9am, surprisingly. Guess what I did the first thing in the morning?

Throw up.

I wiped my mouth and took out two gums from my bag, I put them in my mouth and began to chew. I sat down on the floor and sighed.

"Val?" Alessio said walking into the bathroom looking all tired. "What's wrong?!" He rushed over to me and put his hand on my forehead.

"I'm fine, it's just pregnancy symptoms" I said slapping his hand away from my forehead.
"Okay, do you need help? Or should we start getting ready for the appointment?" He asked looking directly into my eyes which of course made me not to focus on the subject.

"Huh?" I said looking into his eyes. "Val stop being so distracted. Should we get ready for the appointment?" He asked again and I nodded.

I took a shower and washed my whole body including my hair. After I showered I started brushing my hair, but I couldn't really reach the back part. I'm not so flexible.

"Fucking hell" I whispered trying to brush the back of my hair. "Let me help you" He said and took my brush. He began to brush my whole hair gently. "Do you mind braiding it too?" I asked smiling at the mirror. "Sure baby" He said and put the brush down.

He started braiding my hair. When he was done I put on some clothes and so did Alessio. Lastly I did my makeup and sprayed some perfume.

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