Chapter 15

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Valencia's Pov:

We walked up the stairs and into my room.
I need Alessia and Mariana to be friends. Not enemies, I can't stand that. Alessia opened the door for us and closed it. We all sat on my bed.

I sighed " Let's talk" I smiled. " Sure" they both said and I chuckled. " Y'all need to be friends,
I love both of you the same" I said and they rolled their eyes. " see y'all do and say the same thing" . " no we don't" they said at the same time again.

We all burst out laughing. " fine fine" Mariana said. " So what movies do y'all like?" Alessia asked. " like Disney or?" . " yeah" Alessia responded to Marianas question.
" Tangled or Moana" me and Mariana said.
" NO WAY! ME TOO" Alessia yelled and we all laughed together again. This could actually work.

" Alessia where is Leo?" I asked and Mariana stared at me confused. " It's her other brother" I said and Mariana nodded.
" He is out on a mission, why?" . " I haven't spoken to him in days" I said. " he'll be back tomorrow " she said and I smiled " oki"

We talked a bit before it was time for dinner.
" I don't have any clothes to wear" Mariana said " Oh no problem, we have a guest room with all different sizes" she said and walked out of the room with Mariana, probably to show her the room. I sighed and walked over to my walk in closet. I looked around for a long dress.

I found a black silk dress, with short heels.
I didn't need to break any bones. I walked downstairs to be met by everyone in the dining hall including.. Leo? I almost ran to him and hugged him. " HEYY" I said and he smiled at me " Heey" . " How are you" he asked
" I'm fine I guess" . " do you want to sit down?"
He asked and I nodded. We walked over to the table and sat down on our places. Mariana sat beside me and Alessia on the other side of me.

Alessio kept looking at me as usual, I'm kinda used to it. " can you stop staring at me?" I whispered so that only he could hear.
" You're so beautiful, that's all" he said and I blushed. I saw how Leo and Mariana kept looking at each other. " Love birds" I whispered in Mari's ear making her roll her eyes. " Don't start" she whispered back.
I chuckled at her response. " He's a good guy"
I ressured Mariana.

The dinner was served and we all began to eat.
" So, Mariana? How are you dear?" Fia asked.
" I'm good, how are you?" She smiled at Fia.
" I'm also good" Fia smiled back.

" she's so nice" Mariana whispered. But Fia seemed to hear. " Thank you" she smiled.
Mariana blushed a bit.

After I ate my dinner I told Leo I wanted to talk to him. We walked into his office and he sat down on his chair. I sat down infront of his desk. " so you wanted to talk?" He said.

" Leo, if something happens between you and Mariana. Please don't break her heart. She's been through a lot" I told Leo and he nodded.
" Not that something is going on, but I get it. She's like your sister. I have a sister and I can tell you that I get it." He said and smiled slightly. " thanks" I smiled and walked out of his office. He definitely lied, there is something going on between them.

And I know it.

I walked into my room and layed down. I let out a happy but tiredly sigh. I didn't even notice someone walking into my room. " Hey" I could recognize that voice miles away. " Hii" I said and sat up. " I just wanted to check how you are" he said and sat infront of me on the bed.
" I'm fine I guess" I said and he stared at me seriously. " I want you to come to me if you ever feel like doing that again" he said with a slight smile. " of course" I responded softly.

He stared at me in silence before attacking me with tickles. " ALESSIO" I yelled laughing.
He kept tickling me on my stomach and under my arms. " Awh you're hurting me" I lied making him immediately stop. " sorry" he apologized. I burst out laughing and he stared at me confused " sowry" I imitated his voice but a bit more baby kind. He rolled his eyes and tickled me once again.

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