A Normal Day

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I remember It was just a normal autumn day of
October 28, 2017 when all the birds were singing, leaves were falling and the season getting ready to change for the winter days. Though, that day didn't seem quite right to me as I was in agonizing pain from my head for a few days now but it wasn't just a normal headache but far more wore than a migraine. So, my mother had took my temperature and it showed 107.3F and we thought that didn't seem right and that it was broken as we had used an older glass thermometer that looks as if it were made in the 70's and so we used a newer model and it showed the same numbers. We then quickly left the house to go to the emergency department and all was said by the doctor was that "it's a virus", they gave me a pill to ease this so called virus but as we arrived home nothing changed and I threw the pill up. The next day we decided to go to my pediatrician and unfortunately they said the same thing, for me to "take it easy and rest" but my mother knew it was something much more different then just some virus. Finally, we arrived at Newton Wellesley Hospital and when we got their I was practically drifting unconscious due to being in so much pain that my body was slowly shutting down, I can vaguely recall anything at that time as I was going in and out of consciousness but in one of those times when I was with it I saw I was in a dim room with multiple nurses and was told I was getting a spinal tap but I knew nothing more as I could barely stay awake. When I awoke for just a short amount of time after all that commotion I looked around and was laying in a hospital bed, wearing the hospital gown they give you, seeing my mother by my side, my aunt coming in with McDonald's and the both of them talking to one another on what was happening to me but then I faded back into sleep. I then came back up again regaining a little consciousness when I notice myself in an ambulance which was bringing me into Boston to the worlds famous Mass General Hospital, there I was put into the PICU unit and was awake to see a little of what was going on but sadly it's still all a blur to me because by then they decided it was best to put me into an induced coma to give my body a rest.

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