Part 6-Back to normal

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 Raph pov 

We explained everything to master splinter. Afterwards, he stared at us with an unreadable expression on his face. "I-I.. My-" he said to talk but only to be cut off by a loud scream of pain. "What the shell?!" I said. But then..Oh god.. Mikey. Without a second thought, I ran to his room. 

He's back in is normal teenage body with only one espection. He was bleeding a lot. I froze not able to think on what to do. Donnie ran in, "Mikey! We need to take him to the lab!" I carefully picked up mikey bridal style. "R-raph...?" whimpered mikey weakly. "Everything's gonna be okay buddy just hang on" I said, tears at the brim. We ran like hell to the lab as we set mikey on the bed. 

"I will have to perform surgery" said donnie. I nodded as we walked out of the lab.

Leo pov

My poor otouto why did he have to experience such pain. Why was I not there when it happened. I just hope donnie can help get him back to normal. after 4 or 5 hours, we hear the screeching of the lab door. "Is he fine?!" asked raph worriedly. "It was hard work but he's fine now" sighed donnie. "Great job little brother" we walked in and saw mikey hooked up to some freaky doctor tubes.

"Oh mikey" i sighed sadly. The day went on. The next morning, I heard something I have not heard for a while. The sweet humming of a young terrapin. I saw the baby blue eyes looking into mine, he was covered in bandages but was fine. "Good morning le-" said mikey as I inturrupted him into a hug. "Don't ever drink anything from donnie lab ever again you hear me" I said. "Okay but your squeezing me" I let go of mikey as raph ran and hugged him so tight I could see his cheek becoming bigger. I chuckled as raph swore to murder him if he ever did that again.

The day went by swell. 


We were chilling in the lair. Mikey asked donnie" hey d is the cup of drink in the lab milk or retro mutantgen" "It's fine to drink mikey" replied don as he sipped his coffee. "Sweet thanks" said mikey as he went to drink it. A funny kind of explosion happened, "ugh here we go again" said raph. I laughed along with don as mikey came out looking like a clown from a circus.

Hooray my first finished book I hoped you enjoyed it Mikey gunna be a clown when he grows up lmao.

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