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Initiating sequence...

System is heating up.


Power levels: check.
Heat levels: normal.
Cooling field: normal.
Central nerve system: operational.

System is now beginning 'Awaken.'


I remembered cords. Lots and lots of cords.

They were connected to me, on my back, down my arms, sometimes even covering the back of my whole head. It's not like I didn't know what was happening, I did know. I just chose to listen, and observe.

I remembered being in a large room full of cables and computers. The cables that were coming out of my body were attached to the computers. The cables, like snakes being milked by some sort of giant, mechanical robot. It felt that way.

I tried to imagine it exactly like that. It would've been more durable if I had pretended I had imagined everything that was happening to me, but at that time, I wouldn't have known the difference.

I knew pain. Pain had already been programmed into my system. There was no escaping that once you felt it.

It was inevitable.

It was a result.

It was human, and now, it was me.

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