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new  /n(y)oo/ not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time.



Sighing once again, I walked to my room and opened the door, discovering Bee lying on my bed with my digital clock in her hands. She tapped on it and brought it up to her ear, as if it would make a noise or something.

The time read: 1:23 am.

Shit. I thought. It really was getting late, and I could feel myself getting more tired by the second. I couldn’t deal with Bee now. She would have to wait until tomorrow after school…

But… if I left her here, what would happen?

I stared at the robot while she continued to play with the clock. Amazing how something that advanced could be entertained with the smallest of things.

“Give that to me Bee,” I said, sticking out my hand. Bee looked at it, and instead of dropping it into my palm, she turned around and placed it back on the bedside table.

I blinked, and Bee just gave me her sincerest smile.

She then said, “Bee.”

“Okay,” I replied back. First thing was first, I needed to make sure she was clothed now.

I went to my dresser and dug through my clothes. After a moment, I decided that Bee could wear my old grey t-shirt and shorts to sleep in. I pulled the clothes out and looked at it, looking at Bee and then looking back to the shorts.

They looked like they would be comfortable enough, although, I wasn’t quite sure.

“Bee,” I then said, getting her attention in an instance. She peered up at me and tilted her head to the side in a god awfully adorable way.

Calm down, I told myself. It’s just a robot.

Keeping my distance, I went and sat next to her and placed the clothes onto her lap. She just looked at them with a puzzled expression, and looked up at me again.

“Um, could you try these on and see if they are alright?” I told her. I wasn’t sure she understood me so I grabbed the shirt and motioned for her to put it on.

“Bee?” she asked me quizzically.

“Yes, Bee,” I said back. “Put them on.”

Bee touched the fabric of her shirt, and slowly, she smoothed out the wrinkles in them. She then pouted to herself and dragged herself off the pillows.

“No no, Bee, please—“ I quickly restrained her by the wrists and stopped her from advancing towards me any further. I kept her hands away from body at a good distance. I couldn’t bear her touching me again.

A small squeak dropped from her lips and I brought her hands to her left thigh, locking them there on top.

I knew she wasn’t going to listen to me so I proceeded with putting the shirt on her myself. I freed her right wrist and grabbed it with my left. She didn’t move, thankfully and I managed to get the shirt.

“Stay still.”

Slowly but surely, I released both of her hands. She didn’t do anything. Instead, she watched me and I went to put the shirt over her head. Next, I got her arms and pushed them through the arm holes. It felt like putting clothes on for a baby.

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