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hu•man /ˈ(h)yo͞omən/. adj. subject to or indicative of the weaknesses, imperfections, and fragility associated with humans.


'April 20, 2042.

Dear diary:

After today’s events, I can't help but wonder why I had been the one to find her.

Anybody could've been walking past that warehouse, that single pile of trash overflowing on the sidewalk... Anybody could've seen an unconsciousness robot lying on top of it, wrapped up in bandages from head to toe.

So why did it have to be me?

Did I do something to deserve this? Was there a part of my life that needed to be filled from finding a robot in the middle of nowhere?

… Was I worthy?

I don’t think so.

I’m not anything special.

I’m not a scientist or anything. I shouldn’t be thinking about what to do with it.

I should find out what she wants, and take her back to wherever she came from.


I should do that.

Isn't that the right thing to do?


I found her when she was sleeping.

Well, I don't think she was sleeping because obviously, robots don't sleep or anything but judging from her facial expression, it sure could've fooled me that she was in a deep sleep.

She was lying against a pile of trash bags when I found her, naked... (expect for thick, white bandages covering parts of her pale skin... of course) with the longest hair I had ever seen on a girl... or a robot. It was thigh-length, literally, coloured with the softest shade of blonde.

I found her in the middle of the night, cold and chilly with a slight wind blowing. I wondered if she was getting cold, before I scolded myself for thinking that.

Robots don't get cold, Eric.

… But that didn't mean I couldn't test the theory.

Should I touch her to find out?

Without another thought, I reached out towards her, hesitantly, and brushed the back of my knuckles against her shoulder.

My hands were shaking.


Her skin was neither warm nor cold, but it was sure soft. Too soft.

I mean, I wasn't an expert on skin or anything, and it’s not like I had any experience with girls and their skin...

I really shouldn't keep thinking about that.

On another subject, it seemed like this street was deserted because I couldn't see any people. Or cars for that matter. There was no sounds of driving, or talking.

I craned my neck to the left… then right…


No sight of the person who had left behind his or her robot. Which would make the robot without an owner, and therefore...

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