part 1

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it was just a normal day as always

the sun was shining and the birds were making sounds

i was laying in my bed, enjoying the view of the sun coming up

"Y/N Y/N Y/N I HAVE A MASSIVE IDEA!!" mell came running in my room

i swear this girl has ADHD or something

"yea mell what is it?" i gave her a look, thinking this would prob be a stupid idea as always

"what if we go shopping? you know just me and you, away from all the studies and stuff?"

i really wanted to go shopping but on the other side, i have a big test coming up and its kinda important for me to get an A now

it was almost the end of the years so i needed to get a straight A, then i can continue my studies

"mell i don't think that is a really good idea right now, i mean both of us have a big test coming up remember?" i said to her, getting up from my bed and making my way to the bathroom to get ready for today

"why? just a few hours, to get your mind stress free?" she was begging right now

i looked back at her, thinking if this is smart

"alright then, let me get ready fast okay?"

"YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!! WERE GOING SHOPPING BABY!" she yelled, jumping up and down

i giggled, closed the door of the bathroom and got in my shower

time skip to the shopping part

we were walking around the city, walking in and out of stores 

we had bought a few dresses, shoes, jeans and tops

"wanna go in there?" mell said pointing at the Victoria secret's shop

i gave her a look

"seriously?" i said 

"yea i mean you never know if you will meet the man of your dreams"

she took my hand as we both walked in the store

we looked around a bit and both bought a sett

mine was black and hers was pink

obvi this girl was like barbie 2.O

after a few we decided it was time to go home

we started walking back home, then i looked to my right and saw 2 man in black with sunglasses on following us with there heads

i was kinda getting un-comfy ngl

"mell i think those men over there are following us" 

"wait phh no, why would they?" she just continued walking 

i walked closed behind her

we arrived at the appartement building

i look around me again before going in again and saw those same 2 man looking at me

its like they were watching every step that i took and were i went

i was about to open the door of the entrance to the building

then i saw one of the man talking in a walkie-talkie kinda thing

i hurried inside and ran straight to my appartement door, locking it after me

who were those men and what did they want?

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