Part 5

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after the eye contact, i just walked straight past him

i was not in the mood to talk or argue with this man

i walked to my room, closed the door, locked it so i could be alone, sat on the ground with my back against the bed and just started crying

i wanted to leave this place, i wanted to go to my home, my real home

i don't even know were and how mell is doing, maybe she is scared, maybe she is looking for me

and what about my mom and dad, and dylan and my studies?

i can't just disappear

after a good 20 minutes from crying i heard footsteps coming the stairs up

ow shit its his

once the footsteps stopped, i hear him trying to open the door

"Y/N? why is the door locked?" 

i wanted to answer him but i felt like i could not get any word out of my throat

"baby pls open the door...pls...i wanna know if your okay" his voice was way different than from a while ago

did he care about me? since when is that?

"im fine tom really" i said soft but loud enough for him to hear me

you could hear in my voice that i cried, there was no hiding that

"no your not Y/N, i could hear that you were crying...pls just let me in"

i sat there for a minute to let it all sink in, then i got up and opened the door

i met his dark eyes, now full of softness

i could feel like he cared, but did he really or was he just acting?

"oww Y/N"

then i just broke down, i felt my knees getting weak

i was about to sink to the ground but then 2 strong arms saved me before i hit the ground

he hugged me, softly, with one hand he was gently stroking my hair

"shhhh shhh it's okay, im here, your okay, everything will be okay" his voice was comforting

that was what i needed, someone to hold me even if he was faking this all

"i wanna go home" i said still crying and with my head in his chest

"i know you want to baby but you can't, there is a reason you are here"

i looked up, looking him in his eyes

what was he talking about? why am i here and what was the reason?

"what is the reason tom?" i was kinda scared to ask, i was afraid that he might get angry at me again and that would ruin the whole "caring" moment

he sighed, picked me up and placed me on my bed

he took me in his arms and laid with me in his arms

stroking my hair, he already figured out that that calms me 

"well-" he began talking

"there is this man, he has been wanted to kill you since you were a little girl. Your mother and dad always tried to protect you and have been able to keep you away from that man but one day you turned 18 then 19 and got you own appartement. You were not save anymore and that man, called Antonio knew that. He was again out to 'hunt you'. Your dad showed up at the house (his house, the one you're in now) and told me everything. He asked me if i was able to protect you from this man by 'taking you away' from his sigh. And i agreed, i told him that i would protect you with my life and here we are right now

i could believe my ears

there is a man 'hunting me', wanting me dead? and my dad knows tom?

i sat up, i had to let this permeate

my head was a jungle right now

tom sat up to, put his arm around my shoulder and i placed my head on his shoulder

"look i know this is a lot in once but i felt like you needed to know. All i wanna do is protect you Y/N and i can't do that if you are gonna shut me out, so why don't we make a deal? If there is something wrong, you tell me? okay love?"

i was stil confused with my he calls me love or baby all the time but i kinda liked it

i turned my head to meet his eyes and said: "okay, deal and thank you for telling me"

he smiled

i was about to get up to take a shower and get myself back together but then i felt a hand grab my wrist, stopping me from moving any further

"Y/N?" tom asked looking at me

his eyes looked to full of feeling and love and at the same time not


"why were you crying?" 

i sighed 

" i just miss my old life you know, my family, friends, my home and even my studies"

i tried to not cry about it, i didn't wanted to cry to much in front of him

i wanted to look strong

but tom... he looked broken and sorry for all this

"i am sorry that i took you away from your old life Y/N, i really am but i can't let you walk out there, all alone, ready to be killed by that psychopath of an Antonio

" and i am really thankful that you are doing this for me tom" i smiled, still witha bit of sadness but i tried my best to hide my feelings at the moment

he then let go of my wrist so i could take my shower

he got up and walked towards the door

"i'll be in the living room or the kitchen if you need me" he said, eyes fixed on me

"okay" i answered kindly

he smiled back, then left the room 

i got in my hot shower, trying to calm myself down and then got out, put some pj's on since it was getting late (it was 7-8PM in the evening)

i went downstairs, straight to the living room

tom was laying on the couch, in grey sweatpants  and a white t-shirt

i walked over to the couch and took a seat next to him

once i took place, he pulled me closer to him so i was laying against his side with my head resting on my chest

his arm was stroking my arms softly, i felt my eyes getting heavier

after 5 minutes i fell asleep against tom, i felt so safe with him next to me

wait?! am i falling for him?!

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