part 3

716 20 8

today was a chill day, i didn't had any online class or work to do

i woke up in a good mood, i felt like today was gonna be a good day

i decided to get bf at a local small place, they had the best coffee and croissants

mell was still asleep, it was 9:03AM so she would still be asleep for the upcoming 2 hours

i put on a comfy outfit and my fav jordan 1's

i took my wallet and left the appartement

i was not gonna take the car, it was a 10 minute walk

(think about nature people!)

once i arrived at the café, i opened the door

the smell of coffee bones and fresh made croissants hits me

i walked inside and took place at a small table in the corner

i knew an old friend of high school who works here

his name is dylan (20 years old)  and he is gay

(be who you wanna be, remember💋)

i love him, he gives me so much tips about clothing and how to make the best coffee

he took over the place 1 year ago and it rolls like a rollercoaster right now

ever better then before

dylan walked no ran up to me, took a seat next to me and said full of joy

"hey girllll omg it has been a while!!"

"hey dylan, yeah i know, i have been so busy with school you know"

"yea, well i don't bc i work but i know what you mean"

we laughed and talked for a bit

"ow snap i forgot your order, what would you like my lady?"

he stood up and bow like a real butler

gosh this dude makes my day so much better 

"a coffee and croissant pls" 

he smiled and said "on it"

i took out my phone while dylan walked away with my order

i checked my messages and saw that my mom has sent me a few texts

i opened it 


hey honey, how is school going?

                                                                                      its okay, kinda busy but its fine

i know you work a lot darling, don't forget to take a lot of rest and drink and eat enough x

                                                                                i will mom, thanks you checking up xx

alright honey, well i'll leave you alone now, take care!

                                                                                                          i will mom, love you❣️

i saw dylan walking up to me with my order

i put my phone back in my pocket

"there you go love" he said placing it in front of me

"thank you so much dylan" i openend my wallet and grabbed a 5 dollar bill

i come her like 3-4 times a week and most of the time i order the same thing

so i knew how much it costs

i gave him the bill

he smiled and took it 

"well i'll see you around,  Bon appetit Y/N/N"


after my coffee, it was time to go home 

it was 10:16AM right now

i started walking to my place and again i felt eyes on me

pls god not those men again

im ngl i was getting scared 

i looked around me and when i thought nobody was there

those exact same men walked around the corner of the street

they started walking towards me, i spet up my walk

trying to shake them off

i walked into a small street, i walked and i walked and i walked

put it was dead end


i wanted to turn around and once i did i saw 1 of the men standing in front of me

where was the other one?

i turned around looking for the 2nd one

he was standing behind me

i turned around and then everything went black...

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