Chapter 8: The front man

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Recap death from last time:
Wild - 41

Wildcat - 38

With that, let the *Cuts off audio*

. . . .

Host: Sorry... But there is no game this time... All the games have already been played, and now... It's time for him to make a deal with me...

"The doors opened up as some of the guards entered in, one guard was holding Wildcat as he was knocked out from the bat being hit on his head from last time."

Host: Good, you guys are here. Tie his arms up around the chair, just in case if he makes an attempt to escape here.

"The guard placed Wildcat on the chair and tied his arms up with duct tape behind the chair."

Host: Maybe, you need to tie his legs too just in case. We can't let him get away that quickly.

"Then the guard tied Wildcat's legs together with a rope instead of a duct tape."

Host: And now... We wait.

"For about a couple of minutes later, Wildcat eventually woke up from being hit on the head with a bat."

Wildcat: *Groan painfully* My head... What happened?...

Host: Hello there Wildcat...

Wildcat: Ahh! Oh wait... I remember you, your that host that kidnapped all of us didn't you?

Host: I wouldn't say kidnapped Wildcat, more like other kinds of kidnappings that I did. But yeah, I did kidnapped or pupnapped or whatever I did to all of you.

Wildcat: You have killed everyone I know in just six days, I've won the game and the game is over. Now let me leave at once!

Host: Oh, I don't think so. Behind you are the guards, if you attempt to escape then of course you'll be... Eliminated and you won't see that $7.1 billion ever in your life. You care about the money, right?

Wildcat: Not that I could care less, whoever you are on behalf of being apart of the Paw Patrol. Untie me this instant and let me go.

Host: I will untie you now, but... You won't leave until you make this kind of offer I have for ya...

"A guard with a square symbol for the mask went to cut off the duct tape from behind his arms, and then cutted the rope off from his legs."

Wildcat: *Gets off the chair* Ugh... Now what?...

Host: I would like to make a deal with you Wildcat

Wildcat: Whatever it is, I'm not gonna take it

Host: Trust me, you would really love this deal...

Wildcat: I don't care about the deal! Just take that thing off of you and show me who you really are!

Host: Not yet little one... I still haven't explained what the deal was.

Wildcat: Fine...

Host: My deal to you is... Do you want to join me or not? If so, then you'll be rewarded and you'll come back as one of them being the pink guards or... You can be in the V.I.P. Room watching the next game. If not-

Wildcat: No

Host: Huh?

Wildcat: After all you put us through, now you want me to join you? Never

Host: Oh well... I was expecting you to say that anyways... Maybe a familiar face will get you to join me...

Wildcat: Huh?

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