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   The gigantic chandeliers appear so classic. They must be the new designs mother had talked about. She couldn't stop raining her admirations, especially the golden touches that had been added.

  "Lady Daya, Aliya!" Sebastian, son of Lord Haven greets in a dignified bow. We both curtsy, well I try the best I can to make it look half elegant compared to Aliya.

Of all the people in the ballroom, why is it him that has approached us? I dislike him for no reason, or maybe it's the way he keeps pestering me to accompany him to sightsee their orchids in the countryside! That can only mean one thing, he is interested in me.

But I'm not the least interested in him.

Sebastian is a chubby fellow with curly fiery hair. His eyes can only be compared to the ash at the fireplace, adorable.

    My eyes travel past him to the frail girl standing there. From her cheap clothes, anyone can tell she's a familiar. But why does she look so thin and fragile? Her puffy eyes too tell of sleepless nights.

"Emma!" Sebastian barks lowly and the girl jerks startled. She jumps forward, her eyes starting to tear up.
       "Where are your manners?" He hisses throwing a deathly glare at her.

  "So-sorry master." She turns to face us, fumbles unsteadily while curtsying at us.
My heart clenches for a while.

I'm known for being cruel, but not like this. I'm only cruel if someone is trying to take what is mine or bullying me.
  What can a familiar have done to be treated so harshly?

Mind your business Daya!

So I pretend, act like I can't see the bruises on her arm left bare for all to see. This, is a way of him administering fear. He wants all to see that he is dominant and has tamed the familiar.

      "I see you two already got yourselves familiars?"

"Of course, Lord Sebastian." Aliya answers. She turns to her side where Arne stands. "This is Arne."

   She steps forward and makes a small curtsy. "My Lord."

"Obedient already?"

Aliya nods planting a vibrant grin on her lips. "She's all I can ask for."

   I whirl around to eye the stoney beast standing there. It's only now that I'm paying attention to the clothes they gave him, he can easily be mistaken for a fellow human. The long black coat gives his white hair something to boast about, adding a mysterious aura around him. Too bad he's a demon, he'd have made a fine gentleman.

    I give him an expression, pleading with him to greet Sebastian.

    Argon just stares at me.

"Is he, staring at you?" Sebastian asks surprised.

My abdomen suddenly fills with tiny butterflies to the embarrassment.
   "He... he's... he's sick!"
I give a little nervous laughter as I face the questioning male. "Just sick," I add in a defeated voice.

"If he's a defiant familiar, you can lend him to me for a few days. I promise I'll get him in line for-"

    "No! No! That won't be necessary!" I cut him.

"Daya will take care of him. Worry not, Lord Sebastian." Aliya defends, before throwing a strange gaze at Argon.



As the night progresses, I start to relax and allow myself to enjoy the luxurious drinks and foods prepared. My interaction with the other ladies lead to Argon being all they can whisper about to each other.
     I feel delighted, for once in my life, they'll gossip about my achievement of attaining an approving familiar like Argon.

I lose myself in the wine and forget I had been waiting on the Prince's arrival.

Drunk and too cheerful to stay in one place, I make my way to the backyard. Gareta manor is famous for its flower garden and it's hedged maze.

      The ball will go on till midnight, nobody will mind if I take a walk around.

          "You're such a bad familiar!" I tell Argon who is quietly following behind. "I've tried to tame you for three weeks. Why-" I stagger turning around, then jab my index finger on his chest. "Why can't you be obedient, huh?"

  I search in his eyes, thanking heaven for the lamps shining light in his gloom pair. His face is expressionless, neither hatred nor adoration for his master.

   "You're such a cold being!" I accuse in a weak voice, then turn back to continue trekking the footpath.

It's enough that he follows me wherever I go, I can feel a sense of security. It's enough.

We keep walking...and stumbling upon dead ends.

      "Dear me! Which path will take us back?" I wonder, staring at the branched paths, each disappearing to a different direction. "Hey you!" I point at him. My vision has been corrupted by the drunkard state, making my vision blurry, but I can still outline his huge frame. "Do you know the way back to the-" a burp erupts.

Argon spins to the right and starts walking away, leaving an unstable girl behind.

        "Come back!" I yell.
Argon keeps striding far from me. Further and further till I can no longer see him.

"Come back!" I whisper emotionally.
"How can you just... leave me?" The grief in my tone breaks my very own heart.

I try to support my staggering body on the hedge, but slip and end up on the lawn. My temple hits the ground. It will leave a bruise, but I don't mind about that right now. How could Argon abandon his master at such a desolate site? Does he not care I'll be attacked?
   All I can hear are the crickets chirping, the wind blowing from the east or is it west? It sweeps above my body, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps on my bare arms.

       After crying for about two minutes, I roll and face the sky. The stars are busy shining in turns, beautifying the heavens and compensating for the absence of the moon.

"You're all...so bright!" I smile at them, reaching out my right hand, maybe hoping I can touch them. "Will you stay with m-" Somebody suddenly scoops me from the ground and throws me on their shoulder.
      The strength can only be of a male. And the long coat looks exactly like the one Argon is wearing. Could it be?

"Put me down!" I cry wriggling on his shoulder, hitting his back helpless. My hair swings about, so does my head.

       "Such a fool!" A strange manly voice booms, freezing my protest.

"You-you-you just spoke!" I accuse.

  "Go to sleep!" He says. And just like that, my conscious slips away.

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