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I would have never believed this story if I hadn't lived it myself. The story I am about to tell you is 100% true, no events have been changed to protect anyone. I know this may seem far-fetched to some but to others it will seem, but a dream only lived while asleep, well my name is Aaron, this is my story.

I woke up at ten thirty on Tuesday morning as my alarm clock went off squawking as loud as it could on my nightstand. I reached over and shut it off and looked at the time and thought to myself "it's too damn early to be awake." I rolled out of bed and quickly got dressed and put a couple squirts of my favorite cologne on, went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and decided I wasn't going to comb my hair and tossed the closest hat on my head, it was my favorite all black Yee Yee Apparel hat. I put my shoes on and grabbed my wallet and keys and headed out the door to the local comic bookstore to pick up the newest Boom Studios issue of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic. I jumped in my car and set the radio just right and backed out of my driveway and headed down the road to the bookstore to get my copy before they were gone. I pulled into the parking lot around ten fifty in the morning and there were a lot of cars there already, most likely waiting for the new issue as well. I got out of my car and got in the line that was already forming outside, the bookstore opened at eleven and other patrons wanted to ensure they got a copy on released day and didn't have to wait for a restock.

I casually waited in line, looking at my phone and glancing up at the door waiting for it to open so this line can start to move, I was number twelve in line, so I was ensured a copy, but these damn doors just had to open first. It seemed like the last five minutes till eleven lasted forever. Finally, I heard the click clack of the door being unlocked from the inside and I saw the doors swing open and I walked slowly behind the people in front of me into the bookstore. Once inside the store, I made my way over to the Boom Studios section and carefully looked for the newest issue and there it was number 38 the newest issue I was looking for, I reached down and picked up a fresh copy off the counter and headed over to the checkout area. I had two people in front of me in checkout, so I started to flip through the comic in anticipation of reading it when I got home, finally it came to my time to pay and I flipped out my debit card and tapped on the register and put my pin number in and thanked the lady at the counter and told her I didn't need a bag and walked out the doors to my car. I sat down in the driver's seat and put the comic onto the passenger seat and proceeded home. I parked in my driveway and headed up the stairs to my house, I walked in the front door and tossed my keys in the bowl on the right of the door and hung my coat on the coat rack next to the door. I walked down the hallway and into the living room where I sat down and opened the comic and began to read every panel.

This was an amazing comic, it started out with Rita's minions breaking into various scientific research facilities to steal different components, Rita was working on a device to conquer every reality not just the one they were living in currently. Rita planned to use the negative energy created by her dark magic staff to negatively open a door between any reality she chooses, and she plans to go through and conquer the reality with the Rita of that reality. Two Rita's in the same place.... There is no way the Rangers could let her build that machine because that wouldn't stop her from bringing another Rita to this reality and conquering this one as well, so she had to be stopped. Billy also told them in one panel that if the negative energy of the staff gets overloaded to far it could implode and most likely destroy their reality and the opposite one of this one as a result. I started to get the munchies and wanted a snack, so I got up and brought the comic with me into the kitchen where I set it on top of the microwave while I scoured the cabinets for a snack and grabbed a Mt. Dew out of the fridge, after looking in the cupboards for about five minutes, I decided on some microwave popcorn. I unwrapped the popcorn and threw the wrapper in the garbage and turned around to put the popcorn bag into the microwave, I shut the door and pushed the popcorn button.

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