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     During the ambulance ride I sat and stared at Tommy hooked up to all those machines and couldn't help but shed a tear, he was my childhood hero sitting in front of me unconscious with a broken arm and possible internal injuries. I wasn't sure what the outcome was going to be, but I had to be confident in the healthcare system we had and what they could do for him, suddenly, he began to violently shake on the gurney, and I saw the same black and purple energy escape from his body. After a few moments of shaking his body calmed down and he laid still, so still I had to look at the machines to make sure he was still alive, the paramedic put his hand on my shoulder and said "its ok, he just had a small seizure, most likely due to the trauma he suffered to his body, don't worry we are monitoring his vitals, and they are strong." I wiped the tears from my eyes and said, "yeah he's definitely a fighter." Moments later we arrived at hospital, they backed the ambulance into the bay and a few more nurses met us in that bay, they helped get the gurney off the ambulance and began to wheel Tommy into the hospital main floor, we were met by a doctor who asked what happened and I scramble for a quick answer and the only thing I could come up with quickly was that he fell off the roof while trying to clean the gutters. I know this was the dumbest excuse I could have thought of, but I was put on the spot and up till that moment hadn't thought about what I was going to tell that about how he got injured.

     They wheeled Tommy into the exam room and the doctor began to examine him and said, "it appears he has a broken left arm and some ribs on his left side and maybe some internal injuries on his left side, but we won't know anything for sure until we get him in for an MRI and x-rays." I looked at the doctor and said, "he's going to be ok though, isn't he?" The doctor said, "I'm fairly certain he will recover fairly quickly but how about we wait for the results of the tests before we make any definitive determinations, yeah?" "Fair enough" I said." The doctor left the room and a few minutes later some nurses came and grabbed Tommy in his bed and took him for the tests and I sat down back in his room and was going to wait for him to return and await the results of the tests so we could see what's all going on with him and figure out a treatment plan. As I waited in the room I heard the communicator go off a few times but at this point Tommy hadn't shown me how to use it, so I didn't know how to answer it nor what I would even respond with, I couldn't really even explain the events that preceded, so I just let it go, I kept hearing Tommy come in, where are you Tommy, Tommy we need you, but there wasn't anything I could really do at this point but ignore it until Tommy was back in the room and conscious. The time seemed to crawl by seconds felt like hours as I waited for Tommy to come back to the room, I started scrolling on my phone through to pass the time until he returned to the room, first Facebook, then Snapchat an on to YouTube for a laugh or two, just to lighten the mood to the situation that was unfolding right before my eyes. I began watching a video entitled "the green ranger: all powers and abilities" just to get a better idea of what I would be able to do when I returned to help the other rangers. I was about done with the video when they wheeled Tommy back into the room, he was awake but just barley,  his left arm was in a fresh cast due to the fracture he received, the nurse told me that he had another seizure when he was in the MRI machine, but he was calm and stable now. I replied with "thank you, is there anything else I should know?" The nurse politely smiled and said, "the doctor will be in later to share the results with you." I simply said "thank you" as I turned my attention to Tommy.

     Tommy began to wake up more as he said, "Oh man my head is spinning, I need some water." I grabbed him a glass of water and helped him sit up in his bed. Tommy now had his left arm in a cast and his mid-section taped and bandaged up. Tommy said, "Have the rangers been trying to contact me?" "Yes, they have been asking where you were and that they need help, but I don't know how to operate the communicator, so I just covered it so no one else would hear it and waited for you to get back to the room." I replied. "Man, I feel so bad, I haven't been there to help them." Tommy said. "It's not your fault Tommy, who could have known this would have happened after all, this is the craziest thing I have ever experienced." I replied. Tommy just laughed a bit and said "Yeah, I supposed this is crazy to have me pop out of a comic book into your world and now you have to go back into that world and help my friends." Tommy looked at me, I could tell he was in pain and he said "OK, to use the communicator is as simple as this, it has 3 buttons on left is to teleport to the command center, top right is to communicate with the Rangers or Alpha or Zordon, and the bottom left is to teleport to wherever the rangers are currently, so when you go back all you need to do is push the bottom left button and you will be taken into the comic right to the other rangers current location." "They are not going to like me returning as the Green Ranger and not you, I don't want them to think I stole your power or anything like that, I want them to know that I am there to help." I interjected. "I have already thought of that, I need a piece of paper and a pen, I will write Jason a note explaining why you're there and not me, he should believe it since it will be in my own handwriting." Tommy explained. I got up and headed to the nurse's station to get the items Tommy needed for his note. I approached the nurses and one asked "is there something I can help you with?" I responded with, "I just need a paper and a pen, thanks." The nurse gladly obliged my request and handed me some paper and a pen, I said thank you as I walked away back to Tommy's room. I entered Tommy's room, and he was laying on the bed clearly in pain and began to convulse again as large black and purple energy escaped his body again, after he was done shaking, he looked at me and said, "I'll be glad when that's gone, I can feel the negative energy pulse within my body." "I have the stuff you needed for the note." I handed the items to Tommy and slid the bedside table in front of him so he could write on that surface, he held the paper with his casted arm as he wrote with his right hand. After he finished with the note, he handed it to me and said, "Please go now and help my friends, let Billy know what happened here and why I cannot return, he will figure out a way to purge this negative energy from my body so I can resume being the Green Ranger and go back to my own world." I looked at Tommy and just smiled and said, "I will do what I can to help them but I'm very new to being the Green Ranger so I probably can't do everything you can." Tommy said with confidence "don't worry about that, once you morph you will gain the knowledge of every Green Ranger, so you will be able to do everything I can, just like with the dragon dagger, when you play the melody to call the Dragonzord or boost its power, you will see the notes in your head before you play them, so it will be very easy." "Thank you, Tommy, I will do what I can to help your friends and get you home safely." I replied. Tommy laid back down in his bed and got comfortable and said, "the other rangers are in trouble, I will see you when you guys find a way to get me home, please go and help them." "Are you going to be ok until I get back?" I asked. "I will, these guys here will look after me until you get back." Tommy replied. "Alright, I will be on my way then." I said as I got up and closed the door. "Dragonzord" I said loudly, then I was transformed to the Green Ranger, I said my final goodbyes to Tommy as I pushed the button on the communicator to teleport to where the rangers were at this very moment. With a large green flash of light, I was transported through space and time to the exact spot where the rangers now stood. I appeared in front of the other five rangers, and it caught them off guard as they were fighting a group of putties Jason looked over at me and said, "thank god you're here Tommy, we could use your help with these putties, there is too many of them for us five to handle alone." I just nodded and began to fight the putties with them, as I was fighting them, I could feel the green chaos energy flowing through my body and with every punch and kick I could feel the power behind each one, Zach exclaimed "man look at Tommy go, he's on fire today!" I took out five or six putties by myself as the other rangers dispatched the rest of them quickly. Jason said, "alright power down" the other five rangers powered down out of their ranger forms, I stayed in mine for the time being, Jason walked over to me and said, "What's the matter Tommy, are you stuck in your ranger form?" I shook my head no, Jason then asked, "Then what's the matter Tommy?" I hesitated a few seconds and said, "I'm not Tommy." Jason backed up away from me and got into his fighting stance and said "what, where is Tommy and who are you?" I quickly said, "Jason I'm not your enemy, I was sent to help." Jason looked at me and said, "wait how do you know my name?" "I know all of you, Jason, Zach, Billy, Trini and Kimberly the five original power rangers." Jason looked at me puzzled and put his fists down and asked "Ok, so then what's going on?" I reached in my pocket for the note from Tommy and handed it to Jason and said, "Tommy wrote this just before I left him, and he said to hand it to you, and it would explain everything." I handed the note to Jason, he opened it and began to read it, he then turned to the other rangers and said, "it's ok he's on our side, he was sent by Tommy to help us." Kimberly walked up to me and asked, "is Tommy alright, I mean when you left him, was he ok?" "Yes, he is in a hospital where I'm from getting the help he needs, he's banged up bad, but he will be ok, he sent me here because he couldn't come due to whatever negative energy, he absorbed trying to destroy Rita's reality machine, he couldn't even morph any longer, that's where you come in Billy, he needs you to figure out a way to remove the negative energy from his body so he can morph and use his communicator to return home here." I commented. I looked at the other rangers and said "well I suppose it's time for me to power down, "power down" I said as I dropped out of ranger form. I looked at the other rangers and said, "well this is me; I may not be as cool as Tommy, but I will help as much as I can." Jason walked over and put his hand on my shoulder and said "man, being cool has nothing to do with it, Tommy chose you to help us, so that's good enough for me, and you have already proved you can handle the power by crushing those putties, so don't sweat it, you're one of us now." I replied to Jason, "thank you, I will try my best and fight with all I have." "Ok to the command center, we need to inform Zordon of what's going on and plan out next move. All the rangers pushed the button on their communicators and in their respective colored light teleported to the command center and appeared in front of Alpha 5.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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