backup story (short)

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Baldi's backup story
baldi had a wife named susan and a son named andrew one day baldi's feeling unhappy and unfulfilled in life. his wife is abused and his wife don't seem close and then one day they got into a argument one day that leads to his wife leaving with their son. that was the day baldi became sort of depressed about it and struggles to keep it together and accept his wife and son are now gone..

Principal's backup story
for the principal he went through lost and feeling's he's going through now that he's a single father. he's sad and depressed but he managed to push himself forward for his daughter playtime..

when principal met baldi
principal was waiting for the person to arrived and hears someone knocking at the door -knocking sound- come in the principal yelled someone walks in a tall but skinny figure with a green-shirt and blue-pants and only a string of hair and that person was named baldi. . then walks right to the principals table and sits down on the chair and looks at principal letting out a hand has they shake hands baldi starts off the  conversation by saying hello principal i hope i wasn't late. . principal replies with a chuckle before adding on you weren't late no worries baldimore. .

(alright so tomorrow school starts *sob* and this weekend is most likely to be a busy weekend but i will try getting right into making the prologue i will just need time)

baldi x principal (fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now