Beginning of An End

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~It all started at Super Shredder's hideout at the forest.~

Shredder: Stockman, is it finished?

StockMan: Thiss isss it, Massster Shredder. The Ssssuper Mutagen hasss finally been perfected.

Shredder: Do not disappoint me again, insect.

StockMan: With thissss new formula, your mutation will be ssssstabilized.

Shredder: "The shredder grunts as he feels the effects of the mutagen"Yes, it feels natural! Stable. Let me test out this new mutagen. Activate the Footbots, level 12!

StockMan: Assss you command, ssssir.

Shredder: "The shredder stared while stockman activated the footbots, you'd expect his thoughts to be filled with eager excitement as he would finally be rid of the pests that had plagued his side for so long, and his mortal enemy that was known as hamato yoshi, but now his thoughts were only dark and oddly cloudy as all he could think of was one person, anger and hatred seeped through his clear but almost heart stoping bloodlust for this person"Karai. "He said aloud"

StockMan: It worked! There was no emotional reaction.

Shredder: You have done well, Stockman.

StockMan: What isss your plan now, ssssir?

Rahzar: Master Shredder, we have found Karai's new secret hideout. She hasn't left the city at all.

Fishface: We tracked her to the Bronx. She's staying with the Mighty Mutanimals.

Shredder: I am finally ready to find Karai and destroy Splinter and those vile Turtles once and for all.

~Meanwhile deep under New York in the dark damp sewers~

Leo: Where the heck did it come from? Talking food."Leo questioned"

April: What are you talking about?"April said with a puzzled look"

Mikey: My dudes, my bros, my Turts. It's that time again. Our series is winding down. The end of a season, the final episode of Chris Bradford and his 2Ruff Krew! "Mikey exclaimed, a huge smile plastered on his face"

"Mikey starts the episode, the sound of it playing loudly in the background, unbeknownst to the turtles it was showing a scene of where the turtles would find themselves in only mere hours.
Leo ignores this however and heads towards Master Splinter, for these past few weeks he's seen a slight change in his master, he's spent almost all his time alone in the dojo and this has caused the fearless leader in blue to worry"

Leo: Master Splinter. "Leo started" You've been kind of distant the past few days. You've been meditating non-stop and you're barely sleeping. Are you okay?"Leo said his voice laced with concern for his mentor and father"

Splinter: Leonardo, my son, please. "Splinter said his voice soft yet stern" Let us not talk about me. Let's talk about you. Do you know why you are leader of this team?

Leo: "Leo was puzzled because he thought he'd already had this talk with splinter before" Um, yeah, because I asked to be. You said it wasn't because of my skills.

Splinter: I said that only to temper your ego at the time. I knew even when you were a small boy that you would one day grow up to be the leader of this team, and when I pass on to be like a father as well.

Leo: "The words confused Leo even further, why would his father need to worry about this? He wasn't sick, at least not to Leo's knowledge" Pass on? What are you talking about, Sensei?

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