End of a begining

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It was dark. Wet. And so so cold. The last thing I remember was holding on to rwaphie's shoulder, papa told us to stay put because these weird pink gum things were attacking us... They kept talking really weird like how nee talks when he wants something. They kept saying kwang over and over again....it was cweepy.... Papa had gone off to fight them, and after a while, the fighting just stopped...then we heard papa yell out in pain... Rwaphie and Lee-lee  immediately rwan to the sound, nee stayed back with me, pulling me close to his side. They had been gone for a few minutes before we heawd big metal footsteps. Nee crouched down behind a metal box and pulled me behind him.

"The krang have eliminated the thing knowns as the rat and half of the 4 things known as the infant mutant turtles"

"Yes the krang is on what's known as, fire today"

"I agree krang"

"Krang thinks krang can test out the device known as the interdimensional portal device after we eliminate that which is known as the other two infant mutant turtles"

"Krang thinks krang is correct, is the device known as the interdimensional portal device ready for that which is known as testing"

"Krang believes so krang"

Eliminated? What's that mean? I look at nee searching for answers, but when I saw his face, he looked terrified, I'd never seen nee look so scawed before.

I whisper
"Nee what's eliminated? Where's papa? And Lee-lee, and rwaphie-"

Nee turned to face me and put his hands on my shoulders, he had the most serious look I've ever seen him have, he almost looked like papa, whenever rwaphie or me would do something wong. It was swary.

"Nee.... you scawing me..."

"Mikey.... I need you to listen to me, and listen carefully."

"Nee what's-"

"Mikey please."


"Mikey... they're gone, papa, Leo, and raph.... they're gone"


"Mikey I know this is hard but please listen, we have to get out of here, those krang are trying to find us to"

" Nee you not making sense... what about-"

"They're already gone Mikey! They aren't coming back! We have to go! Or they'll get us to!"

I'm not completely dumb, I know what nee meant. They were gone, it still didn't make sense, but nee is on the verge of tears, I have to be stwong, rwaphie always tells me to be bwave, I have to be bwave fow them, for nee.

"...owkey, what do we do then nee?"

" We need to get out of here, you see that small window?"

I nodded.

"Ok, now listen, you're going to run for that, and get out, run as far as you can, to the abandoned subway cars, you remember where those are?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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