Prologue ⁰.⁰

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"ARE YOU EXCITED?" ATTICUS' FATHER - Anthony - asked from the driver's seat looking back to see his son leaning his head on the window looking out with a bored look.

Anthony reached back and punched his thigh making Atticus hiss and look up, "I said, are you excited?" He repeated with an agitated tone. He'd always had a short temper especially when it came to Atticus in his mind Atticus was a brat and needed to be raised strictly in order to grow into a 'fine young man'. It was Bullshit in Atticus' mind.

"Yeah, totally." He mumbled rubbing his thigh softly with a small pool of tears gathering in his waterline. "Don't cry, men don't cry, boy." Atticus shrunk back playing with the string of his jeans whilst mumbling a 'yes sir'.

After roughly an hour or so they had entered the small town of Forks, so small that it wasn't on any map.

Anthony cleared his throat making Atticus' eyes shoot up to see him looking sternly towards the teen, "You will be getting a job as soon as you can, you must learn responsibility so you have two weeks otherwise you will be punished, yes?" Atticus agreed, trying to not remember his fathers punishments, they were always horrible.

They had pulled into a small run down looking house, it had dirty cream walls with plants covering large areas and rust all over the window frames and bannisters.

"Your room is the second to the right, set your things up quietly. I have work to do." He informed before barging past with scoff and going inside with Atticus quickly following behind him to his new room.

The room had dirty yellow walls with rotting floorboards and a door that was barely hanging onto its rusted hinges, a smashed mirror hung onto the wall with the wall deteriorating behind the nails. The window didn't lock and the frame had chips missing and slight cracks in the glass.

He sighed whilst trying not to breath in the musty smell and sat the boxes down on the floor with a loud creak. Atticus winced and spun his head around to see his father walking in with a crimson face.

"No, no! Wait, I'm sorry!" He apologised whilst backing up into the corner as Anthony came closer with thundering steps.

"I said to be quiet.." He whispered before going to close the door, the click of the lock sending a flood of fear through him.

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»»-——— reminders ———-««

🍓Have a snack
💦Drink some water
🌳Take a break
😴Have a nap


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LONER | jasper hale,  ophelia cullenWhere stories live. Discover now