Meeting the family⁰.⁵

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ATTICUS HAD TAKEN THE PAST week off of school, making his face heal a bit more before showing up again

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ATTICUS HAD TAKEN THE PAST week off of school, making his face heal a bit more before showing up again.

Alice and Ruth had been blowing up his phone making sure he was okay. He did answer back every night saying he was still in Seattle with his father, he wasn't but it was the quickest lie he could come up with.

Today was the day he was going back to school. He was dreading today because it was also the day he was meeting Alice and Ruth's siblings looking like he'd been thrown in front of a bus. 'Fucking amazing..'

He was standing at the wall by the doors with yet another cigarette between his fingers, he'd been smoking all morning due to the nerves. He was terrible with new people. Well any people in general. Atticus had his hood pulled over his head and some of his face and was leaning the mostly injured side of his face away from people.

"Finally you're back!" Alice's cheery voice made itself known as she threw her arms around him with a squeal.

A tiny wince left him as Alice looked up with a grin that quickly turned into a frown. Her small, cold hands lightly grabbed his chin as she turned her head lightly to the side. "What the hell happened?" Ruth spoke from behind her girlfriend with a firm look on her face.

Atticus gently pushed her hands down with an assuring smile. "Don't worry, I just fell down the stairs." Ruth's face turned to one of anger whilst Alice's to concern. "It's fine." he patted Alice's shoulder before walking towards the school.

"Are you like super sure?" Atticus only nodded with another smile.

Ruth hummed and looked over to see Alice giving her the same look he gave the boy in front of them.

"What about the cuts?" Ruth cut through the tense atmosphere by pulling the two off to the side. "If you fell down the stairs, how are there like 20 cuts on your face?"

LONER | jasper hale,  ophelia cullenWhere stories live. Discover now