Chapter 4

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Jordan P.o.v Dan missing: N/A

It was a normal day when we got the call. James and me were out on a run looking for a new store for our next heist.

"James do you see any new stores?" I asked looking for some myself.

"No Jordan I haven't." James responded looking around.

"There's that store we robbed a while ago, but that seams to be the only good store that doesn't have-"

James was cut off by my phone ringing. I picked up the phone and checked the Id, it was unknown. I looked at James for an answer.

"Answer it." was all he said.

I answered the phone.

"Is this the famous Kootra?" The voice on the other end asked.

"Depends who's asking." I responded.

"Well if it is I would like too inform you that Something big is going to happen, Watch you and your crew's back." the voice said it sounded rough and it was deep.

"who is this?"

"Oh you'll find out soon Jordan Mathewson, After all you are the top in the business." The voice said before hanging up.

"What was that?" James asked.

"I..I think that was a threat." I told him putting y phone away.

" A threat to us, what did they say?" James said getting closer to me.

"That something big was going to happen. They said for me to watch mine and the rest of the crew's back's." I told him starting up the car.

"What the fuck, watch our backs what does that mean, do they honestly think that we should be worried." James said leaning back in his seat.

The car started up and I just sat there. what was that about, were people going to attack us. If they were they would have to be stupid.

"James who's at the Hub?" I asked looking at him.
"I don't know, Dan, maybe Seamus. Why?" He said.
"I think some ones going to attack us." I told him starting to drive.
"That's crazy Hordan who would attack us?" James said laughing.
"James People want us dead, they even want Kevin dead, it's not a laughing manner." I told him giving him a stern look.
"Well Kevin's is pretty good at his job, he's only what like 18, Kids got skill." James said looking out the window.
"James You know how much I care about you guys if one of you guys were to get hurt I would be devastated." I told him going pass the speed limit.
"I know Jordan we'll tell the rest after we get there." James mumbled.
"I just hope were not late?" I mumbled under my breathe.
"Some thing big was going to happen and I don't like it."

When we arrived to the hub the hole place was trashed, there was signs of a struggle. The kitchen table was flipped over. Multiple bullet holes were in the wall. Most of ,if not all of the house was trashed with the attackers markings.
"I don't like this one bit hordan." James said felling the bullet holes.
"First step is too see who's all here and who's most likely dead." I told James kicking some of the chunks of wall.

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